New Year's dance

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"Ouch! Be careful not to scalp me!" I yelp. Ginny is standing behind me in a green silk dress with a beautiful gold necklace and her hair done up in an extravagant do while she is tearing the hair from my head. "There done," She steps back and allows me to look at the finished look. In the mirror stands a fierce figure with perhaps a tad too much eye make up. Her hair is elegantly in a high pony tail and trails down her exposed back. Her gold dress looks exquisite. I am sure this can not be me.

"Wow," Ginny says, though she is the one that made me look this way. I top it off with black strappy heels. "Let's go before you convince me to do anything else crazy," I say grabbing her arm as we make our way down to the grand hallway. The doors are propped open and there is loud music pounding out of it with a whirlwind of colors as well. Here at the bottom of the staircase and in the surrounding area before the hall are small tables and benches set up to sit out and have a heart to heart or a lavishing dinner.

"Quite the set up," Harry's voice comes from behind us. He and Ron stand just at the edge of the stairs and a dolled up Lavender clings to Ron as if a strong wind will blow him away at any given moment. "You look beautiful Ginny," Harry gulps, sending a glance at Ron who pays him no mind as he is occupied tired to shake his leech. "Er thanks, I best go find Dean. You guys have fun," Ginny gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before hurrying into the hall.

"Dean was behind us in the common room," Harry says giving a small sigh as he links my arm, "You look wonderful too Hermione." We begin to make our way to the music and into the dark room. "Thanks, Harry so do you. Hey don't worry about her. She will come around as soon as she realizes that Dean is not who really loves her," I give him a pointed look.

"Yeah if Ron doesn't kill me first," He groans as we both look back as Ron is practically dragging her onto the dance floor just as a slow song starts playing. "May I have this dance," Harry holds out a hand and I laugh taking it as he spins me into his arms. I let my chin rest on his shoulder as we sway around and for a moment I forget my troubles and live in the moment with my friend. "I have missed you," I say leaning back.

"Look you don't have to pretend like you are okay with Ron and Lavender. You can talk to me you know," he says. I give him a weak smile. If only I could tell him the truth. "I am doing fine Harry really," I mutter. "It's ok if you aren't," Harry responds. The music ends and we step off.

"I am going to get some fresh air for a while. You'll be good here?" I ask. "Of course, take all the time you need," He looks at me in a sympathetic look, still thinking I am sad about Ron. Well good perhaps i'll let them think that because it is easier then the truth. No more then ten people are outside the hall so I can hear my own shoes click loudly.

I make my way to the punch and pour myself a cup. It tastes sweet as berries and a tang. "I spiked it," a chuckling voice from behind says. I close my eyes willing it to be in my head. I can feel his body heat radiating as he stands close behind me. I turn without looking at him and make my way out into the freezing cold air. "Hey wait," he calls. "Get away from me," I say, so he follows.

Nobody else is around here except for us so I whip around to face him, my features scrunched in rage. "Stop. Bloody. Following." With every word I shove him a foot backwards. "Calm down," he catches my hands. "No, I will not calm down. You ruined my life. You tell me it is just sex fine, then you show me and prove you have real feelings. Then after all that, you tell me we can't be together time and time again after I have lain my heart out raw. You are horrible to me and my friends. You are a bully Malfoy. I need you to stay the hell away from me so I can forget this, forget us, and move on!" I snarl.

"I do not want to forget. I am sorry, but for one night can we just dance. Just one dance. Then I will leave you, but I will not forget the greatest thing that ever happened to me," He says sadly. I want to scream and tear his head off, but instead I let him swirl me around in the lightly falling snow.

"I always imagined dancing without music, but it was never quite like this," I say. Though there is no rhythm somehow we find one. I forget the cold. I forget the world. I just dance. One boy one girl, no complications standing under the same stars. Oh how I envy them. "Well love, nobody is quite like you," He smiles and his gray eyes shine brightly.

Then the clock chimes midnight and just like that the year has come to a close. "I love you Draco Malfoy," I tell him. "Then give me one last kiss before I go," He replies. And so I do.

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