Happy Christmas: here are your divorce papers

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From the minute I got home, I have been sulking up in my room. Not hiding from my own problems for once, but from my parents. They have been fighting constantly and I can't go downstairs for one second because it is like a constant war zone.

Tonight their arguments flow into my room as if there is no door and I can hear them crystal clear. "I just don't want this anymore! I want more, you never hold me like you did all those years ago in Paris. Remember? We were sitting by the lake watching the sun shimmer off of the tower,"I could here my mother yelling. "We aren't seventeen anymore! We don't have to do those things. We can settle down," My father diced back.

"I still want to feel young and alive, you never give me anything anymore," I put a pillow over my face and tried not to listen, willing myself to fall asleep, but that never came. "Hermione will be seventeen next year and you don't see her acting out! She's never had a boyfriend for crying out loud and she is perfectly content," I frowned at the mention of my name. "This is absolutely not about Hermione!" My mother said.

"This is about her! Are you kidding, you were upset if I remember correctly when we found out you were pregnant. You never wanted kids! You have always been a free spirit!" I could hear my father yelling. He had tried to lower his voice, but the words were like fire in my veins and I feel feel every lick of the flames. I knew I should be crying or something, but the tears never came. It all seemed so surreal. Before I could hear anymore I ducked out my window and flew towards the only place I knew.

When I arrived at his window, I knocked furiously until he opened it. "What are you-" Before the words left his mouth I jumped down off the window still and pressed my lips to his furiously. I needed a distraction. I couldn't take it anymore. I wished that I could just forget the conversation I had just overheard, but I couldn't. It was so loud like many buzzing bees bouncing off the walls of my brain. "Hermione, I thought-" I interrupted him again by shoving him back towards his bed. He kissed me eagerly, but I could tell he was confused.

"Wait stop, stop for a second. Hold on," This time it was he who pushed me back. I tried to look fierce towards him, but I could feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I tried with all my power to hold them back. I squeezed my eyes shut and the memories flooded in. "Granger, what is wrong? Is this about me and you?" He asked, sitting beside me on his bed.

"Not everything is about me and you Malfoy! There is not a me and you! There is not us!" I say angrily. "You are the one coming to my window on Christmas eve for a good make out sesh!" He says. I realize my stupidity. I stand up and turn to go back out the window to get my broom and head home. "No no wait, I am sorry. Why are you upset?" He asks.

"It is my parents, they have been fighting constantly ever since break started. I need to get out of their before I heard anymore," I say, glumly. "Heard anymore of what Granger? What did they say?" He asks gently. "They said they never wanted kids," the tears start up again and somehow I end up wrapped in Malfoy's arms.

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