•ɪ ᴅᴏ ᴀᴅᴏʀᴇ•Fluff•

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Thank you all for being so patient, I'm sorry this took so long!!
       You fluttered your eyes open, realizing the situation you had just forgotten once you fell asleep. You stretched up and moved the hair out of your face, yawning. Soft and warm fabric was wrapped around your skin. You looked down to see you were wearing Baldis sweater. A smile crept its way to your face as you were enjoying the smell and the feel of his shirt. "Morning, (y/n) darling~,"he cooed at you as he kissed your forehead. Your eyes widened,"oh god it's morning??? Baldi, moms gonna kill me!!" You started to get off the couch as he laughed and sat you back down."no no no it's ok! It's only 3, you just slept for a bit." He then placed a sandwich in your lap and sat next to you. He now wearing a plain green T-Shirt, kind of odd to see but his arms looked great.

  As you unwrapped the sandwich, you started to see all of its ingredients. It was your favorite! How did he know? You kissed his cheek and thanked him as you took a big bite. He was gazing at you lovingly while you enjoyed your sandwich. His head was resting on his hand that was on the arm of the couch, he was sitting there simply amazed how something so simple could make you so happy. Your enjoyment was filling his heart with love, he was so happy to sit here and enjoy your presence. You covered your mouth as you spoke up,"aren't you going to eat?"

       His face flushed at the comment,"U-Uhm, I already ate mine I'm sorry." You smiled and decided to plop yourself in his lap and offer him a bite. He smiled and took a bite, looking at you with a flushed face,"thank you,(y/n)." You smiled and snuggled up to him, enjoying his warmth and how much bigger he is than you. It made you feel safe and happy. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close as he rested his head on top of yours gently. You finished your sandwich and then wrapped your arms around one of his. He leaned you both back a bit and he played with your hair. Your Head rested on his rest, you could hear his heartbeat. You focused on how it felt to have your hair played with and how his heart sounded, beating with passion in every little thing he does.

His hand moved from your hair to stroking your arm while you were resting,"Thank you, Baldi." He tensed up a bit but quickly recouped,"it's no problem at all, I really enjoy being with you." Your face flushed as you burry your face even more into him, he smelled really nice too. He lightly chuckled,"(Y/n), if you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask. It's really no problem and I really enjoy spending time with you. I love you." You smiled at his comments as tears started to well up in your eyes from joy and the feeling of being genuinely loved. As silent tears streamed down your face, you just let go of all the tension you had built up and just laid in his arms, listening to his heartbeat, feeling his warmth. God, this was so nice I wish it would never end. His strong hands, firmly yet somehow still gently stroked your back and arm.

Just as you had almost called back asleep, he kissed the top of your head. "(Y/n), it's almost 6pm. Your mom should be home soon so I should probably go." You took a deep breath and snuggled into him, listening to his heart one last time before sitting back up. "Already?? How??" He chuckled and placed his hand on the side of your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb as you lean into his touch. "Time flies when you're having fun I suppose", his voice was so smooth and almost like butter, you could melt just by hearing the sound of his voice. One more deep breath and you stood up wondering when a good time to give his shirt back is. He then replied as if he could read your mind,"keep the sweater, it's a gift." He leaned in to gently kiss your forehead as he cupped your face one last time.

"I'm starting to understand the cheesey hating goodbyes thing", you nervously laugh, looking at your feet. He smirked and walked towards the door, opening it,"no worries, I'll see you tomorrow, love. I can give you a kiss then, think of it as insurance." He laughed lightly and winked at you before shutting the door and getting in his car. You stood there processing the softness of his shirt and the smell of his cologne. "Cool, so I live in this now", you said to yourself, becoming a giggly mess that's happy about your boyfriends shirt. You went back up to your room and fell asleep in his shirt, still smelling his scent.

The contest failed and no one entered so if anyone will actually enter this time I'll extend the time! If not then oh well at least we tried😂 and I hope this song gave off good aesthetics for this fluff and I hope to write more soon, sorry for the long breaks💕

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