2. No Sparks

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“LANA, GET OVER HERE” Lana jolted up the couch, rubbing her eyes profusely. She fixed her clothes and hair.

She stomped up the stairs pushing the bedroom door open. She found a pissed of Jay clutching her phone. She stood in the corner of the room waiting for a huge blow.

“WHO IS MARK AND WHY DID HE TEXT YOU GOODMORNING?” Jay swore under his breath and continued “I ONLY SAY GOODMORNING TO YOU, I WANT ALL THE MALE CONTACTS DELETED FROM YOUR PHONE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” Lana slowly nodded her head sniffling in process.

Jay smiled, not a genuine one but more like an evil mischievous smile. “Good, Blue”

He took a step forward and Lana backed against the wall, usually she would love being in these situations with Jay, but now she just trembled in fear and never felt the spark no more.

Jay took a fistful of her messy red curls and smashed his lips against hers. Lana shakily put her hands on his shoulders and returned the kiss.

She couldn’t feel anything except for his lips that didn’t feel so good against hers anymore. Jay pushed her further against the wall and gave kisses from her collarbone to her jawline. Lana faked a gasp.

Jay finally released her and smirked handing her phone to her, “Make my breakfast, and if I don’t see all the men’s contacts erased from you’re phone, then you’re in for a treat.”

“But what about my boss? What if he needs to call for something important regarding work?” Lana tried reasoning

Jay scrunched his eyebrows together, he hadn’t thought of that. After a moment or too he clutched his hair and looked Lana in the eye, “Give him my number, if he has anything important for you ill forward it to you.”

Lana frowned “But-,” Jay shushed her.

“Enough, go make me food I have to go to work in 2 hours and you’re bullshit isn’t going to make me go any faster.” He clicked his tongue and walked towards the bathroom.

Lana took a deep sigh and shook her head, why did I ever fall in love with this douche in the first place?


“Hey, Babe.” The blonde walked towards Jay giving him a full blown kiss.

Jay automatically clutched her waist tracing her mouth with his tongue. Why didn’t he enjoy it though?

Her lips were too thin and unfamiliar, it didn’t feel like Blue’s plump lips and the blondes pin straight hair certainty didn’t feel like his wife’s gorgeous curls.

Jay pushed her away, “Get out” The blonde looked confused, “But I thought-“Her voice was too high for him

“Shut up bitch and get out.” Jay bellowed.

The blonde scurried away, clutching her shirt.

Jay sighed, that wasn’t satisfying at all. He took his phone out and called Lana

It started dialing, after 2 dials Jay started getting pissed. Why wasn’t she picking up right away?

“Hi” He heard her soft velvet voice and instantly smiled.

“Hey Blue, I expect you to pick up right away next time.” Jay huskily said

“Sorry, I was folding the laundry” She squeaked.

“I don’t care, make sure you delete the male contacts and I want the house spotless.” Jay started organizing his work papers.

“Okay, anything else?” She asked hesitantly

“I’m having a co-worker come over after work, make sure you wear something under knee length. Unfortunately this one is a guy.” Jay shook his head.

“Mhm” Lana voiced.

After a moment or two of silence, Jay hung up.

He needed a good lay, but Lana was busy cleaning the house. He looked through his office female contacts and scrunched his eyebrows looking through the names.

Too bitchy.

Not enough.


After a few minutes he decided to call Amber his usual lay.

“Babe, my office, I need you right now” Jay huskily said hanging up.

Taking off his tie, he started preparing to do “work”

 A;N// Steal My Girl is so good omg.

How was this chapter??? Its finally Friday and im dying of sleep but I have to go to a party tomorrow ugh.

Struggles of 2 day weekends,

i'd really appreciate feedback and votes please?




FOLLOW, pretty please?


Question: Jay why are you so ugh?



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