9. I Need You

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** WARNING: near the ending it might get heated, just giving a heads up. i shall warn u again when we reach the steamy part between Lana and Ashton.

||Lana Wilson||

Exactly at 3PM I headed back home from the park. The breeze and greenery helped me relax a little and just think about my life that was on the verge of breaking apart. For some reason the park felt assuring and safe to me I decided to bring a book the next time I headed to the park.

I slowly slid the key into the lock opening the door to Ashton's suite. Glancing around the apartment my eyes spotted Ashton's well sculptured back and I slowly closed the door behind me hoping not to disturb him since his fingertips were clicking away on the laptop. He seemed busy and determined so I took of my sneakers slowly walking towards the kitchen.

He was seated in on the couch and still didn't realize I came home, so after drinking a glass of water I headed in the living room, sitting down next to him.

He stopped typing and looked at me smiling "You okay now?"

I just nodded looking at what he was working on. On the screen it read "WITNESS ON THE CRIME SCENE"

I frowned and looked back at Ashton and he sighed closing his laptop putting it on the table in front of him. He fully turned his body towards me and took hold of my hands. He clasped them together and for some reason it felt perfect.

"What happened?" I quietly asked

He shook his head looking down at our hands "Uh, when the police went to go arrest Jay, they couldn't find him in the house. They think he escaped and their searching for him. Everything's covered Babe, don't worry. I just had to write a witness report for court."

Jay wasn't in jail?

I remained silent trying to process everything in my brain.

What if he found me and tried to kill me again? No that can't happen.


I kept on repeating in my head.

Ashton kept his gaze on me and I realize I didn't say anything back,

"I lost my job." I simply muttered holding back my tears. I stared at the white walls when Ashton didn't say anything.

After a moment or so, he pulled me on his lap and wrapped his arms around me placing his chin on my head. At first I tensed when he was embracing me but slowly relaxed.

I put my head on his chest and hugged him from the waist. I pushed myself closer to him, to feel his warmth and the safeness I felt from him.

I closed my eyes thinking about how Ashton was the only good thing in my life.

"It's all going to be okay." He soothingly said running his hands up and down my back. I involuntarily shivered at this and calmed down feeling more relaxed.

I just nodded my head staring at distance.

Ashton was the one who always was there for me. He didn't leave me, I did.

I started thinking about the last time we saw each other in high school and how he said he loved me.

I love you.

I never said it back.

Instead I ran off marrying a sociopath in college.

I burst into tears clutching on to Ashton's neck.

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