6. Flashbacks and Confessions

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||Lana Wilson||

"Babe, I have to tell you something very important" Ashton scrunched his hair pacing through the empty classroom. He seemed so nervous and it started to freak me out.

I hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder and quietly asked "What's wrong Ash?"

He simply shook his head and pushed me against the wall. He locked his lips with mine and our lips moved in sync. The kiss was gentle and tender yet very powerful. It seemed like he was conveying his message through the kiss and I had started to get what he was saying.

He finally pulled away and put his forehead against mine, we were both breathing heavily. I saw a look of fear and some other emotion in his eyes which I couldn't detect. Tears started to prick my eyes as I felt like I was about to hear something bad.

He took my hand and clasped it with his looking at my eyes. "Lan-na, I-I" Ashton stopped and just looked away. He let go of my hand and put a reasonable amount of space between us.

Did he regret doing it? I was such a dumbass I shouldn't have even given it to him.

"Lana no, I can see what you're thinking and that's not it." He rushed back to him and took a huge breath. And after what felt like ages he finally said,

"I'm moving"

My whole body completely froze. I simply looked at him and thought, Was I really that bad? I gave him my everything last night and he was moving?!

I shook my head already feeling the tears dripping down my face.

"Bu, But" I couldn't even muster a proper sentence.

"Babe, babe listen to me, yesterday was amazing, but I have to leave." He tried reasoning with me and I started feeling angry.

"Did you know you were leaving, before yesterday?" I slowly asked him wiping my tears away. He didn't reply but simply nodded his head.

I sharply inhaled my breath, every bit of my heart felt like it shattered into pieces.

"How long did you know?" Tears kept streaming my face and I held my sob back taking in a big gulp of air.

Ashton shook his head quietly murmuring "Two weeks ago." He looked up at me and quickly added "I swear I was going to tell you but-"I interrupted him laughing coldly

"But you wanted to fuck me first then tell me." Ashton looked at me in disbelief,

"Lana I fucking love you, you know how hard it was for me to tell you?" He came over to and started stroking my cheek.

I simply looked up at him and whispered "This was a mistake." I pushed him back with all my force and ran away. He broke our promise.

"Lana wait!" I heard him yell. I ran faster and hid in the janitor's closet.

I couldn't even tell him that I loved him too.

And that was the last day I ever saw Ashton.


"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!!" I heard Jay's voice coming closer to the closet and I seriously thought I was about to shit myself.

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