14. To Make Father Proud

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||Jay Anderson||


I finally killed Blue, I finally killed her.

And now I was happy.


The police had found me sitting in my hotel room, wailing and crying while clutching onto Lana’s photograph.

They put handcuffs on me, and forcefully removed her photograph out of my grasps.

They took away the thing that meant the most to me, why?

I’m currently sitting in an interrogation room, but I can’t seem to sit straight. I clasped my hands tight together and my feet are shaking.

The white walls are mocking me again; the mirror in front of me reveals a very distraught and ruined version of me.

My eyes are bloodshot red, and my stubble is very prominent now. My hair is a mess and I have dark and heavy bags underneath my eyes.

Who is this?

The door in the corner suddenly opens to reveal a very rough looking man.

He sits across me and clasps his fingers together looking straight at me.

“I’m Detective Taft, and I’m going to ask you a few questions today”

I stare back at him feeling enraged now.

How dare he question me?!

The detective seems to study my behavior and proceeds.

“Is it true, you attempted to kill your wife before?”

I start laughing, “Attempt? Oh I would’ve finished her then. I waited four years but I couldn’t finish her off then all because of her savior”

He narrows his eyes but nods in approval,

“And what made you want to finish her off?”

Dismissing his question I start speaking,

“My wife, Lana she was so beautiful. She had the milkiest complexion ever you know, her gorgeous curls and beautiful chapped red lips were amazing. But you know what made me choose her; it was her pale blue eyes that shined even better than the ocean. Ever since I met her, I chose the name Blue for her. She was my Blue, my gem, my life and finishing her was my task-“

I stopped midsentence and brought my face closer to the detective, lowering my voice I continued

“Because the prettiest ones were the most cunning and clever as father once said. The prettiest ones make us men, the most vulnerable taking away our power and masculinity. And when my eyes caught Blue, I knew she was one of them.”

The detective seemed taken aback with my answer but grunted in approval,

“I ask again, what made you finish off Blue?”

Closing my eyes, I remembered her captivating eyes.

Reopening my eyes I simply smirked,

“It was my task detective; I had to finish her off in order to make Father proud. The voices in my head told me so”

“The voices?” He asked

“Yes the voices, they’re the ones that motivated me to kill Lana”

“So you waited for four years, why?”

“Oh detective, haven’t you heard the more you wait, the better the outcome?”

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