8. A True Fighter

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||Jay Anderson||


The red-haired had bumped into me accidentally and I wanted to slap her for doing so.

“Sorry” She muttered. I stopped dead in my tracks and heard her soothing yet angelic voice. I finally gazed at her and it not took all my will power not to push her against a wall and kiss her life out.

Her tight red curls contrasted perfectly with her olive complexion. Her plump lips were painted red and I had to stop myself from groaning. I finally looked at her eyes and my heart started beating erratically.

Her eyes were ice blue, so blue that the ocean couldn’t beat the color her eyes gave. They were shinning so bright out of curiosity and I realized I was openly checking her out.

I cleared my throat and smiled “It’s alright-“I mid stopped in my sentence hoping she would realize I wanted to know her name.

“Oh my bad, I’m Lana” She shyly said tucking her curls behind her eyes. Goddamn her name was so beautiful.

“Pleasure to meet you, Lana” I smiled and continued “I’m Jay”

She simply smiled and nodded. “It was nice meeting you Jay, but unfortunately I’m late for class so-“I interrupted her “Oh I’m sorry for making you late, I hope I get to meet you again Lana, Bye” I quickly took her hand and gently kissed it walking away.

Lana was going to be mines and I knew it. Father would be so proud.


||Lana Wilson||

It had been a week or so after I got discharged from the hospital. I was staying at Ashton’s fancy suite and still didn’t find the courage to go back home or find out about Jay’s whereabouts. Though I’m pretty sure he’s in jail. Ashton told me he’d take care of it but I didn’t want to live on false hope since he practically knew nothing either. Surprisingly Ashton has been very caring and helping me recover.

I was standing in front of the mirror in the guest room I was currently living in.

In front of me stood a girl with blue eyes that were coming back to life, if you looked at her face you could see happiness and hope regaining back into her features. The red curls that were once lifeless and bland were alive and bold. This girl could finally wear her prominent red lipstick and feel happy and confident.

I traced the scar that covered most of my neck and remembered everything that happened that day. The long scar dashed around my neck reminded me that I escaped death and I felt like I was a fighter.

Jay wasn’t here anymore to bring me down or keep me locked up. I could finally do my own thing and stand strong and free. Free

I looked back at my reflection and smiled at it, the girl in the mirror revealed her beautiful teeth and she actually looked happy for once after a very long time.


It was now and 10AM and I could still hear Ashton’s snores bouncing through my room. I decided not to disturb him since he was up pretty late last night working on papers since Jay didn’t come to work no more.

I headed into the quaint yet beautiful white modern kitchen and made a cup of coffee while munching on a bagel. I also had set a plate of a bagel and a cup of coffee for Ashton.

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