11. I Love You

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||Ashton Rider ||

I opened my eyes to be met with the sun. After adjusting to the brightness I glanced down to see a human wrapped around me. Her red curls were sprawled everywhere and her beautiful body was hidden under the blankets. Her smooth arms were wrapped around my chest and her soft snores were heard.

God was she so beautiful.

After making sure Lana wouldn't wake up, I carefully I got off the bed to be met with Lana's groan.

I wrapped a nearby towel around my waist and leaned against the wall.

"Morning Gorgeous" I called out.

Lana opened her eyes and slowly got up, leaning her head against the headboard. She must've forgotten she was naked because the blanket slid off when she sat up. I was exposed to her chest.

After staring at them, I realized I looked like a pervert and sheepishly looked away.

"Uh Babe?"

"Mhm" Her eyes were still closed

"You're naked"

I expected her to scream and run away but instead she just shrugged.

Well that was different.

Not being able to resist her I sat on the bed and pulled her against my lips. She instantly reacted putting her arms around my neck. I hoisted her on to my lap and she wrapped her legs around me.

I pushed her down and she brought me even closer. Her nails dug in my back causing me to groan loudly.

I nipped her lips harshly, kissing her with all my love. It was a passionate yet very heated kiss.

I broke the kiss and simply looked into her ocean orbs. She was smiling and her eyes were shining with love.

"Morning beautiful"

She pecked me on the lips before pushing me away heading to the bathroom.

I laughed and got off the bed to hear my phone ring.

I picked it up off the nightstand and looked at my boss calling.

"Hey boss"

"Where are you?"

"Home, why?"

"It's a Wednesday; you're supposed to be at work."

"Sorry sir, I'm coming"

After I hung up I swore loudly quickly getting into my work clothes. I used the other bathroom to get refreshed and headed in the kitchen.

I quickly brew some black coffee and proceeded to make a sandwich when Lana walked out of the room in just a thin white towel draped around her.

"Where you going?" She asked.

I didn't answer her because my eyes were trailed all over her body. If only I could get a hold of her milky pale body.

"Ash?" She asked and I finally regained my composure.

"What?" I asked cutting my sandwich in pieces.

"I asked, Where you going?" She repeated heading into the kitchen, pouring both of us some coffee.

"Oh, my dickhead boss wants me at work."

She nodded sitting on the counter sipping her coffee.

We ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence.

If I only could marry her. I mean Jay was in prison so why couldn't I marry her?

All these thoughts scattered around my brain while I finished breakfast.

I got up loading my dish in the washer and Lana did the same with her plate.

The clock on the wall read 9:45AM in big bold red numbers.

Shit, I was already later than usual.

Lana came up to me and hugged me tight.

I sensed something wrong and soothingly asked "What's wrong?"

She just shrugged releasing from the hug. "I feel like something is going to happen today?"

I kissed her tenderly, gripping her waist and caressing her cheek with my other hand. She immediately kissed back and after a while of our lips moving we pulled apart.

"You're going to be fine babe." I assured

She slid her fingers through my hair and smiled into my eyes.

"I know, you helped me get rid of all the negative thoughts" She answered back.

I pulled her into my embrace kissing her lips with all my love again.

"I love you" I murmured against her lips.

"I love you" She recited back.

We pulled apart and I smiled looking at her face, I hugged her once more and headed out the front door.

If only I knew that was the last day I'd ever see her. 

a;n// I am so dissapointed of myself and am cringing when reading this.

i seriously cannot make up a bullshit excuse explaining why i didnt update after 2 weeks. 

and when i do finally update i write a short ass chapter.

Im so sorry guys. I really wanted to write but i just didnt noe how to aproach writing the next chapter and to top it all of im having family issues and then school -__-

I just feel very empty and emotionless these days like i feel very lonely idk why.

pic on the side or top is just something to keep you guys going :)

Anyways I am truly sorry and i hope to update earlier i just dont know

Oh and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 600 READS! ILY guys so much ty ty ty








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