Its so easy to take the heart out of her chest

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After a few more weeks, I found a new apartment I can stay,but Hanna is not gonna move in yet. It took a while to find the perfect one,and it took time to try to explain to Ali that I'm gonna be okay without her. Only temporarily. "It's so hard to not tell her the truth."

I tell her only looking at my cereal,and sigh burying my face in my palms."I'm sorry. I know it's hard." Hanna rubs my back,and it makes me feel a little bit better. "Let's just try to look for a solution fast and all of this will go away soon. I promise." She supports me.

"Thanks,Han." Hanna pours a glass of orange juice in her glass,and sit down facing me."Hey,this plan will work. It's the most biggest and furthest idea I've ever planned than before. And I can assure to you that it will work. We'll kick her ass."

"We will." I repeat back to gain my courage,all we need to do is for her to make a move. These last days,my stomach has been more aching,she kept doing her old ways of slowly killing me. So I avoided eating stuff I buy from outside.

Somehow,if we buy Chinese food,Jenna would find a way to put whatever she put in my food and try to poison me. When I forgot that she's bothering me,my heart would only ache badly. That's her way. Taking baby steps first than run with adult legs. Hell,she won't trick me anymore. She had been doing that way with Noel.

Tricking me that I don't know it's them who had stuck chewing gum on my shoe,my locker,literally everywhere. Then they'd go big,fill a bucket of water in it and pour it on me when I got in the toilet. Then,bigger,Noel wanted to rape me behind Jenna's back. My brain suddenly aches,and it really hurts."You Okay?"

"Yeah I've been having terrible aches everywhere but I'm fine."
"Don't you wanna go to the clinic?" I shake my head and Hanna gives me a worried look,I try to smile. I close my eyes because I could feel the pain spreading to my eyes. Oh no. Not again.

I rush to the toilet,bending down and start puking. This time it's a lot more,it looks disgusting. I feel Hanna rubbing my back,and I flush the toilet down. I feel so gross,I wash my mouth and my face. "Sorry,for asking this again but,are you sure you don't wanna go to the clinic?"

"I'm fine,Hanna." I wipe my lips and walk out of the bathroom leaving her there. "Look at least take some of the medicine Ali bought you!" She yells from the back. But i tell her and not bother to look back at her,"I'm fine with my medicine."

I really appreciate her caring for me but she's not my mom."I have to go out. Make sure the plan is ready!" I yell at her before I leave,bringing only my phone. I have a Nokia flip phone to call Hanna just in case. I hid it in my boot that has a compartment.

At night:

I put my hands in my jacket,just walking around like normal people. There's no one here,I knew I picked the right place. But this is a place we're people are stranded,get neatens and make deals and stuff. I have to quick. I know she's somewhere and she's following me. My other phone buzzed,and I see who it is.

Meet me at the alley just in front of you. I'll be there.

It's from an unknown number. It must be her. I turn my directions to walk to he alley,and wait for her. I put my hoodie on,I can't let people see me. My phone buzz,and I answer the call from Hanna."What?"

"Uhh,dude? Forgive me but I couldn't stop her. Your heading to the place you're at."


"I tried to stop her but she knew something was up so I couldn't..sorry.."

"Where is she know?"

"Probably there now..."

"What the hell?" I heard someone say,I turn to the voice I recognise and it is who I thought it would be. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous!"

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