Basic Information

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Name: Ren Bakugo

Age: 16

Height: 5'8" (taller by a quarter inch)

Hair Color: Ash Blonde

Hair Length: Goes to her mid back

Eye color: Brown

Quirk- Explosion, like your brother you can create nitroglicerin sweat and can create explosions but unlike your brother you can use send explosions through your feet. Instead of the normal yellowish color it is blue and can change depending on your mood, same drawbacks as Katsuki's explosions as well.

Past- growing up in a small town with your grandparents at age four after you developed your quirk, you don't remember much of those day's only a green haired boy helping you. They helped you with your explosions and trained you to be the strongest you can, after middle school you went and did the entrance exams and passed.

Dislikes: loud noises, yelling, fighting for no reason (basically what Katsuki is)

Likes: quiet, gardening, napping, training

Crush: Green Haired Boy from your past (Midoriya)

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