Reunion with a twist

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(Your P.O.V)

I remember getting the letter saying I passed, I was happy and I showed Grandma and Grandpa. They were proud, after all I wanted to go to U.A to become a hero so I could protect the one's that matter. You might be wondering why don't I live with my parent's, truth is when I got my quirk it was different and so my Mom sent me to my Grandparent's to grow up until I was able to control it better. That was eleven years ago, back when I was four and I don't remember much from then, only thing I remember is a green haired boy and I remember that he gave me the locket.

I wake up in a different place, I realize that I was in my new room. My grandparent's died in a villain attack a few month's ago and there I met my Mom and Dad for the first time in eleven years. They left me most of the money they had, and my Mom figured out what to do with the house. I was able to afford a cheap apartment right by the school, sure my parent's were responsible for me but I was my own person.

Today was the first day of school, I had set my alarm to 5:30 so I could get up early. I went to the bathroom and took a warm bath, and got ready. Washing my body with a vanilla body soap, my hair with a caramel shampoo and conditiner, I then wrapped the fluffy white towel around myself and walked out.

I headed to the drawer and got a white bra and a yellow underwear. I placed on the U.A uniform and placing some shorts underneath the skirt due to how short it is. I placed on a Hummingbird pin onto the jacket, Grandma got me it for my 15 birthday right before they died. I grabbed my hair brush and brushed my hair, I put it into a braid and then placed it to the side. Looking into my jewelry box and I saw my locket, my friend gave me this before I left. I open it to see the green haired kid, me and my twin brother Katsuki, we were close friends as children then I left.

I checked the time and it was 6, I packed my bag and I went into my kitchen and made some scrambled white eggs and some slices of turkey bacon (I don't care what y'all say, turkey bacon is bacon end of story). I finished that and washed the plate, I saw that it was almost time to go so I put on the shoe's the school wanted us to wear. My school bag, my purse, phone and earbuds, house keys, and some chapstick. I put on the security alarm, and lock the door behind me and walked out of the building. I looked at the bright blue sky and breathe in that air, then I coughed since it wasn't as clean as I was used to.

I placed my earbuds in and put on my 'morning jam' playlist which was Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, and a few other's. I knew where the classroom was from my summer volenteer work I did last summer, I was in 1-A which was the same room I was in during that time. Walking down the familiar halls were relaxing, I saw the giantic door and opened it softly. No one was alive so I looked at the seating chart and saw I was next to my brother.

(See image above for clearer idea)

I sighed and went to my seat, carefully moving the chair so I could sit down. People later came in, and they found their seats then a certain ash blonde brother of mine came in and I took out my earbuds. I saw he was yelling at a blue haired male who needed a chill pill. I take off my locket and open it, looking at the image and seeing him makes me wonder what happened during these last eleven years. I didn't know someone was talking to me until a pink hand waved in my face.

"Hello I'm Mina Ashido, nice to meet you." Mina said, I smiled and took her hand.

"Ren nice to meet you, Mina." I told her, she giggled and we talked for a bit until a gruffy voice stopped us. He looked worn down and his stubble was not helping, he told us to go to the changing rooms and get into our P.E clothes. I didn't like changing in front of people even if they're the same gender as you, people stare and then you would get labeled as a perv.

I quickly changed and went outside, I did some mild streching. I was expecting a test, I did my research on this school. They can teach us however they wanted to, within reason of course or they would have a lot of lawsuits. He explained some things and then the funny confusing part happened.

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