Getting back into routine

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(Your P.O.V)

I got up and went to school, the walk was quiet and it honestly felt strange. I normally see kids running but none that I saw, I checked my clock and saw that I was about an hour early so I went into the classroom and sat down.

I look at the ring Zuko gave me when we started dating and then something popped into my mind, we never really had a proper date since the whole time we've been dating I was being tested for the Automail. I made a mental note stating that I would ask Zuko out later, I knew he might not ask me so I'll do it for him and besides I feel like asking him out instead of him asking me.

I placed in my earbuds and played some Final Fantasy 10 ost, it recently dropped on Spotify so I got most if not all the albums downloaded as soon as I heard they were available their. One by one kids began to come into the classroom and I listened to the music admiring the artists work for the game and songs. 

Class began as normal with Mr. Aizawa showing up late and someone mostly Kaminari or Mineta or even my brother interupt him, then he states that everyone was going to the camp myself included. I was glad as I didn't know what they were planning on grading my test in the first place, now I was able to hang out with my brother and my dear boyfriend as well as the rest of the class. 

During break everyone was talking to someone, while I was sitting by my lonesome. This was the downside of not being in class for over a month maybe longer, Katsu was talking to the Bakusquad being Kaminari, Ashido, and Kirishima. 

Zuko was with Iida and Uraraka and possibily Todoroki but his presence in the group was unknown. I watched a video on my phone to pass the time, of course I chose the funeral service from a long time ago. When I was watching I saw a figure who I didn't remember being their, it was Clovis then he disappeared then I felt my anger boil but it subsided before it went overboard.

I turned off the video and put on a movie from my childhood Grandmother got in America called 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers', it turned out America has some good movies during the 1970 time period.

After break, class began once again and then Hero Basic Training started. I was excused to the nurses office and I grabbed my costume and went to see Recovery Girl, I signed into her office and she adjusted the Automail and I changed into my costume. 

We did simple exercise with the class and I was sitting out until the main training exercise, which was the same thing we did the first class. I was on my own against All Might as the villain, to be honest watching the others was boring. It's like they didn't improve at all, some were pulling the same moves they did the first day.

(Midoriya P.O.V)

Ren was on her own team against All Might of all people, to be honest I'm scared for her. Her legs might not make it and she might not be able to make it to the fake bomb in time. I saw she was right about to leave but I wrapped my arms around her waist, making my face blow up in red. 

"Zuko what are you doing?" Ren asked, I saw her face was a bit pink and I turned her around and kissed her right on her plump lips. I break off being redder than Kirishima's hair, and I said to her.

"P-please be c-careful." I told her and I was studdering again. She nodded and left, heading towards the field where her test was at. I saw everyone giving me looks and I went redder except from Kacchan who just ignored me, I guess since I'm dating Ren the bullying might end so I'm glad. 

I watched her fight against him, All Might of course was destroying everything with the force of his punches and yet Ren wasn't even attacking him. She was dodging him to try not to do too much damage to the building or the weapon, All Might was doing all the damage and then she touched the weapon. Then we saw explosions coming from the fake weapon and then audio and video was cut out, I then trembled as two very important people in my life were injured. 

Everyone including Kacchan were panicking about this, Recovery Girl then ran in here and checked on us before going out there. I followed as well as Uraraka and Yaororozu as we were helpers in case those two are injured, I hope they are all right.

The building was on the ground in shambles, I saw All Might was coughing blood as he was holding Ren. Without even knowing I ran to All Might's side and saw how beaten she was, her costume was basically non exsistant and only small parts were covering her body to which I was glad.

I was holding her as Recovery Girl was looking over All Might, she had a pulse so she was alive and I held her close. She was injured already and now she's worse, she then began to stir and I was smiling with tears going down my face.

(Your P.O.V)

I woke up being in Zuko's arms, I saw he was crying and I slightly chuckled. I tried but it hurt to do so, instead I cough up blood and then Recovery Girl came over. She checked over me and said something but I didn't hear, it was quiet and I couldn't understand anyone. Uraraka used her quirk on me and with Yaororozu's help they brought me to her office. 

It turned out that the fake bomb exploded thanks to the force of All Might's punches, it was severe as I lost my hearing temporary so I learned some sign language but I knew some thanks to my elementary school teaching us as we had a deaf kid in the class. 

I was to be watched the next few day's in case something bad happens to my hearing as it would come back in the next few day's meaning I will be deaf during the training camp. 

Authors opinion: Hello people, we have a new chapter. This might be the last one for a bit as I'm going to Virginia for vacation so I won't be on here as much or at all I have no clue yet. I know this one is a bit weird but I don't know it's a filler chapter and I don't think I made one for this chapter or not I have no idea. Anyway I'll see y'all at the next chapter so until the next time bye

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