Fight for Tomorrow

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(Your P.O.V)

Weeks passed and we had chosen our class rep, originally it was supposed to be Zuko but he gave it to Iida. Honestly I think Iida being the rep is a better choice, Zuko tends to falter with too much pressure. Me and Zuko have been getting closer lately, and for some reason a urge to kiss him happens as well. This feeling wasn't new to me, it's been like that for as long as I can remember. The feeling was love, it the fact that I was in love with Izuku Midoriya.

Today we were heading to a place known as the U.S.J and yes that sounds like Universal Studios Japan but it isn't. We were allowed to wear our costumes and the only one not wearing one was Zuko, during the battle between Zuko and I vs my brother his costume got destroyed and now they were making a new one for him.

I sat next to my brother which was a headache, I don't like many things my brother is and loud is one of them. Then people began to talk about the strongest in the class, Tsu called my brother basically an asshat and is superority complex kicked in. He yelled and that caused me to punch him in the face, everyone became quiet and I felt an angry porcupine looking at me.

"Maybe if you shut once in a while than I wouldn't have to punch you, still I'm surprised I could do that I haven't thrown a punch like that in years not since I was 7." I said, then the memory came back into my mind.

"Not since Hope had her first Suicidal Episode." I said and people were quiet and I sat down, tears began to fall and Tsu moved over and I went over and Zuko let me cried into his chest. People were aweing and I simply used one hand and made little explosions and people quickly piped up. I heard my brother chuckle in amusement and as I got up the bus stopped and that signaled we have arrived. I got off and stretched my bones, I might be using my quirk a lot today so this needs stretchs or else my bones are gone.

13 was waiting for us, they were my favorite hero as a child. I had to restrain myself from hugging them and possibly getting a restraining order on my ass. They gave a speech about how we have to be careful with our quirks that can kill other people, then someone mention a shadowy portal. I was scared, this isn't a part of the training and some were thinking it was.

I saw a familiar dirty blonde hair and I ran towards the entrance, I prayed that Clovis wouldn't show. Clovis was Hope's eldest brother, he also caused Hope to have the Suicidal Episodes. I couldn't beat him and his quirk which can place a diease onto a body part, that was terrible to try to beat and he has good strength. I made my hand dig into my palm soo much that it began to bleed, I wipe the blood into my costume and sadly disobeying 13 and ran towards Clovis.

"CLOVIS!!" I shout, Clovis turned and he jumped away. Rage filled into my eyes as I tried to fight him but he jumped dodging.

"Your gonna pay for Hope's death!" I yell and people then began to fly away, as was I by the shadowy figure from earliar.

(Midoriya P.O.V)

Ren ran after someone named Clovis, I remember her saying that name at the funearl. She said that Clovis was Hope's eldest brother, her best friends brother was a villain. I felt bad for her, she was after the one who sent her best friend down the dark past that lead to her death.

(Your P.O.V)

I was in a area but I didn't reconize it, I realize that it was a boat and I heard some whining from pervy boy as well as Tsu and Zuko. I slowly sat up then my stomach did a 180 and I went over the boat and puked into the water, I don't do well on water crafts especially boats and water rides at amusement parks. Zuko came to my side and I was done puking by now.

"Sorry you guys heard and saw that, it's not a quirk drawback but my stomach's weakness to water crafts." I explained and they told me it was alright, thought they had to stop Mineta due to him being close to touching my ass a few times.

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