Training part 2

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(Your P.O.V)

I woke up to my alarm going off, I look over and it was 4:45 and we had to get ready for today's training. Everyone was tired but this wasn't the case for me as I packed coffee with me, so I'm wide awake.

Mr. Aizawa was talking about our progress last semester and yet our quirks weren't improving at all so this camp will help with them improving.

Later everyone split off and I stuck with the same thing as my brother, meaning placing my hand in hot water and make explosions.

My hands were burning from the water as it was really hot. I told the teachers about my scent quirk but he said it's not really worth making stronger so I just focused on my explosions. This lasted the whole day, and I felt my arms killing me but I ignored it and kept making explosions until we were told to stop.

It was around 5 in the afternoon when we stopped, and boy was I hungry. We then were told to make our own dinner and I was happy as this was normal for me. I went to a station and made tiny sparks which made the fire, then made dinner which was curry and boy was people working.

The curry was done and we served everyone, I ate some but I made sure everyone else ate. When I was finished I went straight to bed as we have a early day tomorrow and I don't feel like dealing with children at this rate.

Dream Sequence

I looked around and saw a familiar ceiling, it had stars painted on it. I hear shouting outside and open the door and see Hope being scolded, yelled, and beaten by Clovis and I run and use my quirk to his face and punch him in the face.

"Ren?!" Hope exclaimed as I was being tossed off the 15 year old male, my back hits the wall and I feel the wind leave my lungs. I see Hope's normally bright grey eyes become cloudy and puffy as she ran, I run after her and we made it to the rooftop where she was standing by the edge.

"Hope don't do this, you can't do it your family they love you. Think of all the people you would leave behind, me and your Mom, not to mention your grandfather and everyone who cares about you." I pleaded with the pale brunette but she jumped and I ran after her screaming her name.

End of dream sequence

I shot right up and see everyone was sleeping, I check my phone and it was only 3:30 so I get up and ready for today's training.

I get outside with a can of coffee I brought with me and drink it, I then decide to do some light warm ups. By that I just run around the mountain two times and then rest til they wake up.

A few hours later

I finally see the class and I come out of hiding, people were shocked to see me early but whatever and then training began once again. I was working on my quirk when someone tapped my shoulder, I stopped and saw it was Mr. Aizawa who looked amused as ever.

"Ren may I talk to you?" Mr. Aizawa asked, I nodded and we went a few feet away and then he asked.

"What do you want to talk about sir?" I question and he gave his infamous death glare. 

"Why were you up earlier this morning, I know you were up at 3 so I want to know why?" He stated and I then felt scared as I remember the dream I had last night. He sensed my change as I began to panic so he pulled me into a hug which shocks me.

He pulled the hug and leaves and said "Don't let something scare you, even as something as a dream and fight back full force. With some restraint of course, your better than your brother in that aspect." And he left as I went back to training.

Dinner came around but I wasn't hungry, in fact I didn't even help as I was still training deep into the night. By the time I decided to sleep the remedial class was just finishing up for the night, I went to sleep after Mina fell asleep.

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