These are just some random tricks and bits of info I have learned, I hope you enjoy them.
-Powdered coffee creamer is highly flammable and even explosive under enough heat and pressure.
- If you punch someone hard enough directly over their heart you can make it stop beating
- A rag soaked in ammonia can throw off a police dogs nose
- Trying to make yourself look inconspicuous usually makes you look more suspicious. If you're trying to hide don't be the person sitting on a bench hiding their face, be the person walking around taking selfies or talking to people.
- If you are buying something to commit a crime, dont buy the expensive supplies, the more expensive the item the easier it is to trace. Also, don't buy all your items from the same place and make sure to mix in some random items as well.
Ex: Buy a tarp and some paint from store #1
Buy duct tape and super glue from store #2
Buy a shovel and potting soil from store #3- cameras are usually tricky to avoid, but they now make a special type of fabric that can be used for things like hats and scarves that glitch out cameras so your face can't be seen on them.
- Computers can be hacked and the info can never truly be erased. Notebooks can't be hacked and pages can be burned to dust if need be.
Remember, these "How To" chapters are for entertainment and informative reasons only
Please do not replicate them in real life
If you have a suggestion on a How To then leave it in the comments ill try to add it
How to do things you probably shouldn't
Non-FictionIts exactly what the title says This is a guide I decided to work on for people to learn more about this kind of stuff These How To's are for research and informative purposes Don't be an idiot and replicate them in real life Crime writers always w...