Chapter 2

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[Commander's POV]

We arrived at the site. Everything was destroyed. If the information we gathered was correct then this is where they were.

"It's so..." Warning started to say.



Virus and Abnormal finished for her. Then I heard someone laughing. I turned around and saw Insane.

They're the twins we're looking for right?

My eyes widen. How could she know the twins? But nevermind that, she's a mind reader. She laughed harder.

"What now Commander?" Glitch asked me.

I calculated our next move and sent them out.

"Glitch and Warning, I need you to search the perimeter. Search for anyone that may be one of us."

"C'mon Warning, let's get this over with." She took her hand and transported to search.

"Abnormal, I need us to be unspottable. Make sure we can't be heard or seen."

He smiled cruelly at me with those scary eyes and melted into the shadows.

"Insane, make sure we're all connected"

Okie Dokie Commander! Insane winked at me then went to higher grounds. I turned and looked at Virus.

"Virus, if any pure ones are spotted and we can't transport quickly enough, you need to dispose them. Understood?"

She nodded.

I quickly opened my system to search the site.


It was half an hour later when I heard a telepathy.

Glitch: Commander, Warning felt someone approaching. We're headed to you now.

Warning: They're pure ones. And coming in fast.

Commander: Everybody, abort mission.

We transported after a few seconds using Glitch's ability to HQ.

We held a meeting in the control room.

"We need to start the Mission Commander. Phase 1 should be set into motion already." Warning said before we even sat down to our respected seats.

Virus agreed to Warning by nodding her head. "I agree. We're losing precious time. The System cannot be fooled so easily."

I examined the room. There was a circular table with eight chairs. Only 2 more and we could start. The only problem is, we can't find them.

"Now, now Virus. Have patience. Didn't you know it was virtue once?"

We all looked at the wide screen infront of us. The once empty screen was now open and working. On the screen was our patron. He wore black clothing just like everyone of us. The only difference was that our clothing was accented with white and different colors, his was pure black. And as usual, he didn't show his face.

"Tell me the discoveries of the night." He said with such a deep voice, you can't say no. So we told him everything we knew.

After we finished he said something.

"I told you to tell me everything."

"We have told you everything." Abnormal said while crossing his arms on his chest. We all jerked because of his voice. He didn't say too much so we almost forgot he was still there.

"Warning?" Our patron asked.

We all looked at Warning. We can't see her eyes because of the shades, but we all knew she was looking down. A habit of hers if she was lying or trying to hide something.

"Warning, what does he mean?" Virus asked gently while taking the hold of her hand. They were sisters once, and they still care for each other.

"When -When we were at the site, I sensed something odd." She started to say

Insane laughed beside me.

Yes Warning, you're correct. They are twins.

"That's not possible." Glitch said while shaking her head. "The information you sent to us said that the only human in there is a single child. That can't be true."

Oh? How are you so sure there Glitch?

"Look at Warning and Virus. They're the living proof." Glitch argued.

"I agree with Glitch. But Warning never made a mistake before, and how is that possible?" Virus said.

Yes. I would also like to know.

Then, Insane looked at me.

Commander? You've been really quiet.

They all looked at me.

"Do you know something?" Glitch asked suspiciously while narrowing her eyes.

Tell them Commander. Our little secret.

Insane said sweetly. I cleared my throat awkwardly and started my explaination.

"I've been wanting to tell you all of this, I was just waiting for the right moment." I started my explanation. They seem eager, so I continued my explanation. "It is possible. I've been researching."

Meep. Meep. Meep.

"The Vocaloids have been experimenting a new project.

Meep. Meep. Meeeeeep.

They're making their own body to infuse living souls in it. They tried it on him. And from what we saw, it didn't work like how they wanted it to be. After the explosion, they were infuse together but was separated almost immediately. Making them twins, even if they aren't related by any way possible." I finished.


"What the heck is that noise!?" Abnormal shouted while covering he's ears. We also followed him, covering our ears. I couldn't blame him, it was really, really loud.

"Oh! I think it's Vi." Virus said calmly.

Who's Vi!?

"My sister's pet." Warning said. And as if on cue a little fuzzy, black thing with a pointed tail entered the room and went to Virus's side.


"I see." Said Virus. "Don't worry guys. She's just hungry, that's all."

All of us exchanged worried glances. Then our patron said something.

"Find the twins, CV. Then start Phase One immediately. Meeting dismissed"

A/N: 'Sup people! :))))

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