Chapter 7

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Yey for new chapter! I dedicate this chapter to my friend @_augieee as a sorry for the bookmark that he gave that my dogs ate.

And if you're wondering about the next background story, I'm having a writer's block. So yeah...

And I wanted to start Phase 1!

So without further ado...


[Project's POV]

To say that training was hard is the biggest understatement. Ever. It was like hell. And I am not kidding. We have trained for two-three weeks, I think. And every night my body hurts everywhere.

It might even be harder than a soldier's camp. And don't get me started with Commander. That girl is a nightmare if she tried. She was incharge of the over all training. She made us sit for hours trying different strategies that could counterstrike the Vocaloid's attack on us. Unknown did great but I think that it's alright to say that I suck. Then we had combat training with Virus and Glitch. 'We should be fair in numbers' that's why there were two on each team, their words not mine.

It was the fourth week already and all of us were in the dining room, eating our dinner after a whole day of torture. The table was silent except for the sound of silverware clashing with each other. We weren't usually eating together, I always eat with Unknown since she is my twin. Virus always seem to eat in her room and every one of us doesn't eat together with everyone so often. The awkward silence wasn't helping either.

Well, this is awkward...

"No sh*t Sherlock. Our family dinner isn't even this awkward." Warning replied.

"Well, atleast it wasn't like the time Commander made dinner for us because we found Insane. I didn't think the kitchen would have survived that." Virus said.

"Oh yeah." Warning said. "I remembered that. She was really excited to have another member, wasn't she?"

From the head of the rectangular table, you could see a blushing braided girl. And three members which doesn't know what is happening.

"Look! I didn't know that bacon was easily cooked! I was preoccupied at the moment!"

"Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that."

By this time, everyone was teasing Commander already. Making their leader blush again. Their teasing was cut short when they heard a laugh coming from Glitch and me. Unknown wasn't laughing but a smile was graced upon her lips.

Glitch seem to notice the silence. "Well, everyone seems like a member of a big family, that's all." She shrugged and continued to eat her dinner.

"Don't mind me." I said. "I thought that this team was so strict and weird that no one would see us as friends."

Unknown's smile disappeared and she return to eating again.

"You three are the last members to arrive, right?" Commander remembered.

"Yup." Abnormal said. Which made everyone jerk on their respective seats. He didn't say much making him almost feel that he wasn't there. He shot them his usual smile and returned to his dinner.

The usual silence took place again but it wasn't awkward like the last time. It was much more bearable as well.

"So what now?" Unknown asked. "We've finished training right?"

Commander let go of her spoon and took her napking to wipe her lips. "We wait for the command coming from--"

"Me." Her answer was cut short when a man in black entered the room. His eyes scanned the room, a positive on his one eye and a negative on the other. He smiled cruelly and snapped his fingers. Automatically, Insane and Abnormal stood up and placed a chair on the other end of the table to let him sit so he was facing Commander.

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