Chapter 10

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Yey for new chapter!

[Insane's POV]

Phase two! Yey!

All of us were inside the dining room again. I had breakfast awhile ago. But mostly everyone were too sleepy to eat. So only me and Abnormal were the only ones to eat breakfast. It was really yummy too, such a shame. You have to try the toast and jam my big brother, Abnormal, could do. It was heaven~

I was jumping on my seat as the little creatures were putting the plates full of food infront of us, Commander calls them Droids but the term 'little creatures' were better. Even Abnormal thinks so too!

Everyone were here. Then we began eating.

Could we talk about it now?~

"No, Insane." Commander told me. "We'll wait until lunch is over."


"Yes." Comander spoke to me as she was speaking to a child, trying to explain to me something so simple. But I didn't understand at all. What's the difference if she explained it now, right?

I ate a lot when Commander finished her meal already. She stood up and left the room without looking back. She didn't wore her maroon leather jacket today, which was really stupid of her. She never really forgets her jacket.

"What's wrong with her?" Project asked, particularly to no one. Which made me curious to what's in her mind. So I took a peek.

It was quite easy to know what was troubling her. Since it was the thing she was thinking of the moment I took a little peek in her mind.

I laughed inside her mind to let her know that I knew what the problem was. She felt shock of course then she became angry at me. Why did she became angry at me? I only took a little peek, after all.

Commander: Don't tell this to anyone and keep your mind off of me.

Well then. That didn't turn out what I planned it to be. I thought I'll get atleast more juicy stuff out of her. But oh well~

I continued eating as well just like everyone. All of them seem worried about Commander but I just laughed.


[Commander's POV]

I left the room before anyone else could ask and let the situation go into an awkward situation.

Insane manage to tap into my mind but atleast she listens to me when I order her around. I walked into my room and saw Patron standing near my bed. He has his back to me so I closed the door a bit hard to let him know that I entered the room. I walked to the opposite direction of where he was to get to my closet and get my leather jacket. I wasn't wearing it when I entered the dining room to eat.

I opened the closet and heard a light thump at my back. I tried to reach for my jacket, but it wasn't there. I looked back and saw Patron holding it and waving it to let me know that he had it all along.

"You can't keep it forever from them." He said to me. "They would know it eventually."

I didn't answer him. Instead I took the jacket from him forcefully and put it on. "I'll find another way." I shrugged him off and walked away.

"There is no other way." He said to me softly.

"There has to be!" I shouted at him. "We are a family now. I won't give up on her just like what my dad did to me!"

Tears spilled from my eyes like water from a fountain. I couldn't control it any more.

"There has to be." I whispered as I covered my face from him. I can't be seen as a weakling. Never again. And because of this, I didn't notice the strong arms that surrounded me. He whispered soothing words to my ears which I found were effective. I calmed down and my tears stopped. I didn't notice that my hands moved to grip his clothes. I removed them quickly, of course.

I didn't look at him in his eyes. It was too embarrassing. A soldier crying, what would my father say?

I was too occupied with my thoughts that I didn't see his face went closer to mine until his lips brushed my forehead.

Heat rised to my cheeks and I stuttered at him, asking what the hell is he doing?

He just smiled at me and made his way out of my room. Leaving me utterly speechless.


[Project's POV]

Commander was really weird for some unknown reason today. Not wearing her leather jacket earlier, which is a really huge deal for us. She never, and I repeat never forgets anything.

The gang sat on our usual places in the circular table inside the main room. We were waiting for Commander to show up inside the room.

Everyone was pretty bored now. Virus was floating horizontally, Warning was sitting back and has her feet up on the table with her hands at the back of her head while whistling a rather familiar tune, Glitch was snoozing, Abnormal and Insane were communicating with telepathy and laughing, while here I am with Unknown playing tic-tac-toe. Yes, it is pretty stupid of us, but it was really boring here. It was a challenge as well, Unknown was beating me in every game.

As I was about to win the game for the first time ever, the double doors opened and revealed Commander. She was more weird because her face was red, probably because she was angry at someone. Well, that someone should know the consequences of making Commander angry. Because when she gets mad, she will kill you if she has a chance.

She sat down on her seat and took deep breaths. We took the chance of not facing Commander's wrath and sat down as well. Silence consumed the room and we waited.

"Okay." Commander said as she stood up and summoned her holographic screens. "I'm good."

I wonder who made her cranky?

Apparently, Insane had to ask that question. I prepared myself for the outburst that was about to come, but it didn't. Instead, Commander was still typing on her screens. I looked at Insane and saw her laughing. Again.

"Alright, as you all know Phase two will start."


"And here's the plan."


Yey for new chapter!

Sorry if that's a bit of a cliffhanger, but don't worry. I'll make it up for you in the next chapter to come.

I tried to make Insane's POV realistic, but I think I failed at that. She has a really unique mind because of the little voices she keeps hearing, but I did do my best!

VFF#11: Commander's fruit is the humble Apple.

Insane: *whispers* PaNder forever!~

So, did you like the PaNder moment? No? Yes? Tell me in the comments, okay?

Thank you for all the support you have given me until now. It's actually our graduation tomorrow, so wish me luck!


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