Abnormal (Part2)

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Yey for new chapter!

Dedicated to AyahMizuki.

Another day has arrived as I opened my eyes. Sunlight was sweeping through the curtains of my window.

I was still on my desk when I woke up. But, it isn't new to me. College is really pressuring me.

I heard pounding on my door as I stretched from my previous position.

"Big brother! I want to make pancakes! Wake up!" Abby screamed through the door. She has too much energy for a ten year old.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I shouted back as I put on a hoodie. It was really cold this morning. I heard pounding of a pair of feet on the stairway as she went down towards the kitchen.

I wore my glasses as I made my way through the house and into the kitchen, finding Abby on the counter mixing. She was covered with flour all over.

I laughed at her antics. Seeing her like this somehow refreshes the day to come.

I walked to her and together we made pancakes.


I locked the apartment as I saw Chino locking his own apartment. He nodded at our direction as Abby happily greeted him a happy morning.

As we walk towards the elementary school Abby attends, Abby held my hand. Creating conversation on the as well.

We arrived and said our good byes. Chino and I continued our way to Oxford.

"What do you have this morning?" I asked him as I shouldered my bag.

"Organization Activities. You?"

"Free period actually, I thought you quitted the Organization?"

"Not quite, I needed it for my Major. Something about experience and such."

"I see."

We entered the campus and separated our ways, Chino to his Org classroom and me to the music room.

I quietly entered its premises and saw that no one was using this one. I let my bag fall on the ground and sat infront of the grand piano. I carefully opened it and I was amazed by its beauty. I played some notes on it and I got carried away from reality.

After some time, I closed the the piano and grabbed the cd player. I made my way through the tracks available and chose a classic serenade. It began playing as I opened it. I sat by the window and got carried away again by its soft tune. I felt my eyelids get heavy and let them fall as I fell asleep.


I woke up by the sound of explosion and destruction. Fire and smoke was everywhere and the room felt hotter than usual. I thought I was only dreaming since I was still fast asleep, but my ears didn't fool me as I heard screams coming from every direction.

I didn't think about anything but Abby. So I ran out of the room and outside of the campus. Everyone was panicking. As I ran, I heard glass shattering from my right and saw that the building was destroyed. I saw white, glowing eyes from that direction so I went to my left.

Unfortunately, I bumped into someone. I recognize her as a classmate from my French class.

" Ce qui se passe? (What is happening?)" I asked.

" Je ne sais pas (I do not know)" She replied with a thick French accent. " Je ai vu les gens aux yeux blancs et puis tout ce fo vient de se passer. (I saw the white eyed people and then all fo this just happened.)"

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