Chapter 5

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Yey for new chapter!


[Warning's POV]

All of us saw Patron on the screen. Smiling evilly like it was christmas and he got a present even though he was in the naughty list.

"I see you got the twins." He said.

No one spoke. I saw Roger looking confuse, as always, and the girl still being emotionless. I looked at my sister. She was uneasy, I can tell. The reason? I didn't know why.

"Phase 1 will start now, right?" Commander asked.

Commander's right. We're eight now! That means we can do my favorite part.

After hearing that, I looked at Insane and saw her smiling widely. Too wide.

"Not yet." Patron said calmly.

"What!?" My sister screamed. "You promised me that we'll start!" She stood up and pounded the table with her hands.

"Then tell me, Virus. How can you start if all of you can't even work together? You don't even know each other."

This seemed to shut my sister up. She calmed down a bit.

"So what do you want us to do?" Glitch asked.

"Train yourselves, especially the two. You still need to know their ability." Patron said.


"But first, the twin's names." Patron looked at them and waited. Our names were part of our new identity.

"Unknown." The girl said almost immediately.

Roger still looked uneasy. I don't blame him. It's pretty hard to accept all of this information anyway. Glitch felt his uneasiness and smiled pitily at him.

"Pick a name that best describes the new you." She said.

Roger wondered. I looked at him through my shades and tried to remember the information we got from Commander about him.

"Project." Unknown said.

We all looked at her. She doesn't seem fazed about the attention given to her. I wished I was like that. Whenever I was looked at by everyone, I just feel insecure. I don't like people staring.

"That could work." Glitch said.

Yes. It makes sense as well.

I looked at Abnormal. He seems to be thinking about something else. But he noticed me looking, making him smile that creepy smile of his.


"Unknown, Project, I officialy welcome you to the Corrupted Vocaloid." Patron said.



Patron now looked irritated. "For pete's sake would you please make Vi shut up."


Then we saw Vi floating inside the room. It looked like a black, scribbly pet that only my sister understands. I don't even know where it came from. Asking that kind of question would just lead to something awkward.

"Get Vi out of here." Patron ordered.


Then my sister smiled evilly. "But Patron," she said sweetly. "She's hungry." She looked at Unknown and pointed at her.



We all heard Vi scream. It was so loud. All of us covered our ears. Then all of a sudden darkness consumed us.

The feeling was unimaginable. My eyes couldn't see anything, I couldn't hear anything and I felt alone and isolated. It was so cold. I felt like giving up on life and just die slowly. But I didn't. It was Abnormal's ability.

It went away after a few minutes. I looked at the members. Some of them were resistant to it like Commander, Virus, Insane, and me. Insane even looked like she enjoyed it. Unknown was still being emotionless. Roger looked like he was going to be sick and was leaning on the table. Glitch was the worst of all. She was on the floor in a cowering position. Her hands gripping her hair like it was her life line. Her eyes scream her emotions. Hurt, scared, and nervous. She was glitching as well, like something was wrong with her.

It happened all the time when Abnormal would accidentally tap his powers. I didn't blame her. Her past was just as traumatic as ours.

Abnormal saw her. He knelt infront of her. He positioned his hand to her shoulder and said, "I'm sorry." His usual smile was gone. He was our big brother figure. Then he hugged her. Glitch slowly stopped crying and Abnormal let go of the hug.

All of us didn't notice Patron leaving and ending the call. I looked at the screen but blankness was the only thing I could see.

"You heard him," Commader said. "We need to train before phase 1."

No one argued with her. She had this sense of authority around her. Like she was born a leader.

We walked for a while until we arrived at the training room. Commander walked towards the control. She clicked a few buttons and the stage was revealed.

"We will be having a tag team for today. First to get the team's flag wins. Same rules." Commander said. "First fight..."

"Glitch and Project vs Virus and Unknown. Let's see your ability."

The stage was a closed, circular cage that transforms into the arena. The ones who were called walked towards the stage. Project was looking nervous making Glitch talk to him and support him. My sister looked unsatisfied with the team results. Normally we would be the team, but I guess our luck ran out.

This is gonna be fun to watch!

We looked at Insane and saw her giggling. Seriously, what is wrong with her?

"Prepare to lose Virus!" Glitch said from the right side of the stage.

"As if!" My sister answered.

The stage became a landscape. It was a dessert this time. Each of the two team's flag were on the top of two hills.


Everytime Glitch and Virus fights, they always seem like they were best of friends or something.

Glitch teleported to the middle of the stage and ran towards my sister. My sister flew toward her as well. Their punches and kicks clashed against each other. Glitch was teleporting everytime Virus tried to punch or kick her.

They continued their fight. Project then ran towards the opposing team's flag. Unknown was doing the same thing. But before they would clash, an explosion happened within the twins.

Fortunately, Glitch teleported near us with Virus. The exposion was so strong, it left a crater. Smoke was everywhere making us all cough.

"What just happened?"


Haha. Lol.

Anyways, I hope you like the new chapter. Tell me in the comments if you liked it, okay? Okay.

And about the hug Glitch and Abnormal had, no they are not or will be a couple. That would be weird because the characters in this story was based from my friends. And that is just wrong.

Dear readers, the next chapter would be a background story. Whoever guesses right will have a dedication on the two parts! So comment your guess! Okay? Okay!


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