Chapter 1

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"WILL YOU TURN YOUR FECKING PHONE OFF AND LISTEN TO ME!" Luna screamed angrily whilst driving .

"uhhhhhhhh...FINE" Kina groaned turning her phone off and throwing it in the back on the car. Ever since their mum died Luna has become more bossy than usual, Kina and Luna were sisters from the big busy city of London. Luna was older than Kina by seven years she was 26 meaning that Kina was 19 just starting University and trying to find a part time job. Their father died when they both little from a tragic car accident and they both secretly never did recover, to make things worse there mother had just passed away so now Luna technically had to look after Kina which neither of them enjoyed, due to them being kicked out of Luna's flat by their landlord they had been looking for a new flat or house, however as if by magic Luna had received a call stating that they had inherited a country house. So that's where they were heading... To Button Hall.

~At Button Hall~
"Everybody will you please calm down!" The Captain shouted. All the ghosts were arguing, you see Button Hall wasn't a empty rundown place in fact it was quite busy with the spirits of past owners and visitors. Varying from all eras, stone age to ww2. All with different personalities, opinions, and all cursed to wander the earth never to leave. Recently the 'last' remaining Button had just died and they had all been wondering what's going to happen to there beloved home. Little did they know there was two more Buttons remaining.

~Back to Kina and Luna ~

Luna pulled up into the drive to be welcomed by an enormous house. Kina's eyes opened in amazement "Shit we're bloody poshos now Luni"
Luna rolled her eyes replying" yeah yeah look just help me with the bags ok" Kina mumbled a 'fine' whilst dragging herself out of the car groggily, however someone was watching them...


Thomas. A failed poet. Sat down at his 'Sighing Place' looking gloomily out of the window, but by looking down he noticed to women getting out of some sort of vehicle. "Oh my lord whom is that beautiful creature I see before my eyes" he whispered to himself staring fix eyed on Kina as she dragged the bags into their new home. Thomas stood up instantly and ran into the main room where all the others where still arguing "everybody there are two young women in the house" Thomas proclaimed however none of them listened they were too busy proving there points. Thomas rolled his eyes and took a deep breath before releasing" WILL YOU LOT BE QUIET !"

They all shut up. And looked at him. Thomas explained that they where some new faces at Button Hall whilst recieving a lot of 'who's', 'why's' and 'how's'. None of which he could answer of course, then Kina walked in and they stared at the brunette with amazement and awe. She was beautiful, well in the eyes of Thomas and Julian she definitely was.

"Damn she must know how to have some fun" Julian inappropriately comments eyeing Kina up. Thomas rolls his eyes and retorts angrily "She is a lady Julian! Not some scandelmonger you can just use and the throw away have some decency man!" Julian eyes widened and he hesitantly stepped back mumbling a 'ok I'm sorry' Thomas shook it off and walked away, leaving the rest of the Ghosts in confusion and excitement.

~Kina and Luna~
"WHERE DO YOU WANT THE BOX OF BOOKS AGAIN?" Kina yelled, Luna replied lately "JUST PUT THEM SOMEWHERE IN THAT LIBRARY PLACE!" Kina huffed pulling the heavy box downstairs and into the massive library and started unpacking. However she did not realize Luna sneaking up on her,

"RAWR!" Luna yelled grabbing Kina's shoulders tightly,

"FUCKING SHIT ON HOSE PIPE!" Kina screamed in utter fear whilst hitting the shelf hard making it come loose from it's hinges and fall right on top on her. CRASH.


No response.

Heyyyyyyooooo I've been binge watching and re watching BBC series Ghosts and I'm OBSESSED I love all of them but especially Thomas. Tbh I've always loved the Six Idoits and horrible histories (OLD ONE) and Ghosts is just amazing. I will update weekly I promise so yes I hope u like it love youuuuuuuu- NW

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