Chapter 5

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Dedicated to @L0TT1E2015

It had been a week since Thomas had broken Kina's heart she hadn't spoken to anyone not even Captain or Pat to whom she told them everything.

She was broken.

She wanted to...die.

Thomas felt so guilty and he wanted to tell her he was sorry but as if she would listen to a heartbreaker. He spent most of his time in the library sighing and crying, he loved her and he let her go like he always did with every single girl.

Just then Julian appeared, he sat down next to him and spoke "What's up Thomas you seem more weepy and depressed than usual did you have a nightmare about Lord Byron again because I told you he isn't her-

"no this isn't about that bedswerver it's about dear Kina" Thomas sighed once more

Julian rolled his eyes and placed his hand on Thomas' shoulder and replied "Look man I've told this humpty million times she's a human and your dead and cling- look it wouldn't have worked you just had to do what you had to do" Thomas' head shot round when he heard soft footsteps of whom could only describe as Kina's. She walked in and glared at Thomas and sauntered over to Julian before she spoke happily completely blanking Thomas in the process, "Hello Julian have you by any chance seen my laptop?

Julian thought for a second and then smirked replying" No but I'm sure Thomas has"

Kina furrowed her brow and growled a bit as she looked at a sad Thomas who was trying to be nice by smiling but was getting nothing in return.

"Thomas doesn't even know what a laptop is" Kina snapped, Thomas stood up and retorted," Says you, you... umm, you DALCOP DRIGGLE-DRAGGLE!!"

Kina was taken back a bit before returning "Speak English you dickhead nobody understands you and maybe if you did you wouldn't break hearts you twat!"

Thomas stood there and then it all kicked off. Insults flying left, right and centre. Julian crept away at this point not wanting to start another war and all.

When the argument had finished they both stood there both red-faced and with a couple of tears in their eyes. This is what had become of what used to be friends. whenever they were together now they were both as Thomas would put it klazomaniacs.

"I-I'm sorry ok there I said it is that good enough English for you even though you're a muck-spout"

Kina glared and replied "Yes and I don't know what that means but I'm going to take it as a compliment so thank you"

Just then they stared at each other's eyes and it broke them. Kina let a few tears out before speaking once again "I loved you Thomas why?" he bowed his head in guilt and exhaled before replying "I know you did dear and deep down I still do but you have to understand I'm doing this for your sake"

"I know" she muttered, "I'm sorry Thomas I am, I made this so much worse than it had to be instead of just accepting this...I guessed I am a draggle muck thing" Thomas tried to comfort her as much as he could without touching her because we how much that doesn't work, "shush now dear reframe from your self-doubt if it enheartens you any I think your an amazing young lady and you would do any young suitor proud"

Kina looked up with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face before speaking "I love you Thomas I do"

"As do I dear as do I"

Old English wordy thingy dictionary:

.bedswerver=An adulterer

.DALCOP = Stupid, Idoit.

.DRIGGLE-DRAGGLE=An untidy woman.

.klazomaniacs= people who only shout when their speaking.

.muck-spout=someone who swears a lot when they're talking.

Boom finally updated yes I'm not dead but my social life is heh. Anyway here ya go dudes hope ya like it love ya-NW

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