Chapter 16

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"You heard me"
Kina's eyes filled with tears and her lip began to quiver slightly as she looked at the tall boy in front of her.
Why would he call me that I didn't do anything? She thought to herself, he stared angrily at her and turned walking away leaving her behind but Kina snapped out of her daze quickly and ran after him grabbing his hand.

Thomas stopped in his tracks and yanked his hand from hers and walked off, the poor confused girl started to cry quietly sitting down on the ground. The others stared intently at her before Robin walked over and placed his arms around into a hug and pulled her close to him.

Bless the poor caveman as he didn't understand what was going on but he knew what sadness looked like on a face and Kina had that look, he wasn't the best when it came to comfort but he once saw Kitty do it Fanny however that ended with Fanny pushing Kitty off and telling her to go away.

"Kina sad?" He asked curiously, she sniffled and nodded into his animal coat to her suprise it was actually fluffy and didn't smell as bad as she thought it would.

Kina spoke soundlessly "Thank you Robin I needed that" her words muffled in the coat, the sweet caveman lifted his right hand and patted her head gently trying his best to make her feel better. He didn't like it when people were sad as he found them interesting and in someway looked up to them as they knew more even though he had been on the earth longer than any of the ghosts at Button Hall he still saw them as role models but most importantly family and being alone for so long and having been the only one of his old family to have stayed as a ghost made him want to look after the others and care for them so they wouldn't leave him either although he wouldn't let them know that mainly because he didn't know the words for it.

"Thomas is like mammoth... hairy and stupid" he claimed proudly. There was silence before Kina let out a small chuckle lifting her head out and looking at the others who all had concerned looks on there faces.

"How dare he treat a lady like that!" Fanny proclaimed angrily gaining a 'here here' from Julian and Pat.

"I shall thrash his bottom that'll teach him the blundering buffoon!" Captain yelled earning a giggle from Kitty and a questionable look from Kina who assured him that was completely unnecessary but the thought was sweet.
She pulled herself from Robin's grasp and stood up wiping her eyes before speaking calmly, "I appreciate the backup I really do but I'll talk to him alone I think it'll make things worse if you all get involved but thank for making me feel better"

The ghosts nodded and agreed. Kina walked off in the direction in which Thomas went before turning and pointing at Robin and announced "by the way Robin best hugger award goes to you my caveman buddy" and left in search of a grumpy poet.


"Hey umm Cap little word if I may?"

"Of course Julian my chum whatever is the matter?"

"I think I may know what just happened"

"Oh go on"

"Yeahhh you see I may or may not have been flirting with Kina and he might have seen I don't know could be hunch you never know with things I could be completely wrong hey! He might just be going through the menopau-"

Captain glared angrily and smacked Julian round the back of the with his cane hard.

"You absolute fool why would do such a thing you knew very well Kina is in a love affair with the young man!"

Julian rubbed the back of his head repeatedly, hissing in pain before replying "I know I'm not stupid" Captain gave a glance of 'are you sure about that?'

The politician continued, "look I was flirting in a friendly way I didn't know he'd react like that I'll go talk to him and tell him it was a misunderstanding and that Kina has done nothing" he went to walk off still rubbing his head being quite sure that a bruise was going to form as Captain had hit him very hard.

The Captain grabbed his arm harshly pulling him back to his previous spot, his eyes locked with the wavy haired blonde and grabbed Julian by the collar tugging him down so his face was align to the Captain's.

"You will do no such do you understand me I swear to the Lord above if you so much as speak a word to Thomas about this I'll court martial you is that clear ?"

"But your dea-"

"Is. That. Clear?"


~Meanwhile with Kina~

Kina spent a few minutes searching for Thomas eventually finding him at his 'sighing place'.

Here goes nothing

"Hey look please let me explain"

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