Chapter 2

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Hello everyone. Thank u for motivating me.


Aniomru were searching for the albums but couldn't find it.

Anika - Where are the albums ?
Omru can please specify the shape, colour or anything else it would be easy for me to find.

Omkara-(making a sad face) bhabhi I don't remember exactly how it looks.

Rudra was silently finding the albums when he bumped to a cupboard and a box fell on him. And start shouting like a mad man.

Rudra- bhabhi.. Bhabhi.. O.. Help me a ghost Fell on me.( And start crying) .

Omkara- duffer no no u are a scared crybaby ( and start laughing)

Anika - shut up om don't trouble my baby.

om makes an annoying face while Anika helps rudra to remove the box

Rudra hugs Anika and say "thank u so much I love you bhabhi and I hate u o "

Anika chuckle and start collecting the the photos and papers and then she realised that these are the childhood photos of shivomru and prinku.

Anika - omru look these are your childhood photos.

Omru gets excited and trio start cherishing the old memories. Their was a pic of shivomru holding a month old prinku .

Then a pic of whole family.

Then a pic where shivaay was playing with omru and prinku.

They were enjoying the old moments while putting them in a box. Omkara was collecting the the papers while rudra and Anika were collecting photos. Suddenly a paper comes in the hands of omkara which shock him to the core and after having a lot o courage he show that paper to rudra and Anika and the were also shocked to the core.

That paper was actually a form of cooking competition named as "WORLD COOKING CHAMPION " and the participant name was SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI .

Meanwhile Gauri and Bhavya was already bought some sweets and was waiting for aniomru to come.

Gauri - what took them so long.

Bhavya - bhabhi I think we should go and check them.

Both Gauri and Bhavya went towards the store room.


Gauri- Jiji what Take u so long.

Bhavya - we were waiting for u guys.

Before the can say anything further they notice a form in their hands and took the the form and read it which made both of them shocked.

Gauri - omkara ji this u didn't tell me that Bhaiya wants to become a chef.

Bhavya - ha rudra u also didn't tell me about this.

Before omru can say anything they heard a horn voice and they can sense That Shivaay has arrived. Aniomru start putting things in the box and took the form from Gauri and ask them not to say anything about this to Shivaay.

Omkara goes to dadi 's room and put that form in one of the drawer while other waited for shivaay in the hall.
Omkara also join them.

Shivaay enters the mansion and a smile crept up on his face after noticing whole clan in the hall.

Shivaay - u guys didn't slept it's already 10:30 pm.

Before rudra can say something omkara said "we were just waiting for you " and om indicate ru not ask anything about the form to him as its not the right time.

Anika - shivaay have u had your dinner and medicines.

Shivaay - yes ani I had and I also hope u guys also had your dinner.

All nodded in union and ask shivaay to go to his room and rest as he looked tired.

Shivaay left towards his room.

Anika- shivaay will never tell us about that form I think we should wait for the elders to come and then we will confront him.

All nodded and left to their room.

In Shivika's room

Anika enters the room and saw that Shivaay already slept. She goes near him kissed his forehead and slept hugging him.

In Rikara's room

Omkara (angry) - shivaay never told me about this. How could he do this to us.

Gauri - omkara ji please calm down we talk about this tomorrow. Please sleep now it's already late.

In Ruvya's room

Rudra (emotionally) - u know what Bhavya he always supports me and om and asked us to follow our dreams but he didn't follow his own dreams. I am very angry on him.

Bhavya - Rudy we will talk about this tomorrow, now just sleep.
Thank u Guys for motivating me.

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