Chapter 20

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Cool breeze hit lonavala early morning. Birds flying high in the sky with great spirit. Squirrel eating wallet in the garden. This all was notice by shivaay who was enjoying his espresso standing in the balcony. 

Shivaay was thinking how they used to come in the school vacations and enjoy each and every corner of this house. They used come with their dadi as others are hell bent to business and money.

Just then the felt someone back hugging him and he knew that his Anika woke up .

Shivaay (smiling) - u up.

Anika ( eyes still closed) - hmm.....

Shivaay pull her forward and she rested her head on his chest with eyes still closed and listening to his heart beats.

Shivaay smiled and they both remain like this in each others arm.

Shivaay - anika.

Anika - hmm

Shivaay - I love you.

Anika - I love you too. ( and kissed his cheek)

Shivaay smile and kissed her forehead.

Shivaay - can we just move or rudra will scold us for being late.

Anika - hmm okay.

Shivaay ( smirk) - can I join u.

Anika ( blushing) - no.

And she ran away to the bathroom with her clothes.

Shivaay smiled and move downstairs and pack toast, juice and some fruits to have them after visiting temple.

Everyone get ready .

Everyone get ready

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Rudra - so all set.

Omkara - yes the car is ready and for the journey shivaay already packed some food.

Anika - cool.

Gauri - so who will drive.

Rudra - (raising his imaginary collar)  of course me.

Shivom - no ( said while shouting)

Shivaay - I will drive.

Omkara - exactly. We want to live more we can't afford to die .

Shivomvya laugh while rudra made crybaby face and complains to aniri.

But before he could say something bhavya interrupt " I think we should leave guys or we will get late ".

They all agree and settled down in the car and move towards the temple .

They reached temple and take the blessings from god and everyone prayed for shivaay 's dream but our shivaay prayed for family happiness and growth in business empire.

Then they move towards Kune falls and bushi dam. Both the places have waterfalls so they kinda enjoying the water droplets falling on them. The stay like this watching the falls.  These water falls brings a unknown happiness and peace.

They move towards the Della adventure park for which rides was excited he also instructed everyone in the car that they need to enjoy each and every sport and water rides but shivaay not agreed as they need to move to other places too.

They reached Della adventure park and they were provided sport wear clothes and then enjoy swoop swing,  flying fox, sky cycling, paintball, rappelling, rodeo bull, bubble soccer etc etc...

They all got tired they all enjoyed for at least 3-3.5 hours they want to try more sports but they need to leave.

In middle they had their lunch from a hotel.

And while moving towards the lake gauri, Bhavya and rudra take a small nap.

While omkara was driving and shivika was enjoying the surroundings.

It was almost sunset time when they reach lakes. All couples enjoyed lakes and sunset in the each other arms.

Last but not the least they visited Sunil's celebrity wax museum were they took lots and lots of selfie.

They reached home all exhausted . They make themselves comfortable on the couch and watch Netflix and our Rudy boy already ordered pizza and cold drinks. They enjoyed the day to the fullest unknown to them that a storm is gonna hit them.

I hope u guys enjoyed and did not get bored.

Next update tomorrow.

Till then stay tuned.

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