Chapter 8

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Target is not completed but righting for my loyal readers.




Rudy - papa didn't worry about the preparation of tasting round Bhaiya will win that I am damn sure but I have a doubt.

Omkara - what doubt ?

Rudy - o according to the instructions in the competition a participant need to give a identity proof and if we give any identity proof of Bhaiya to the form collector they will get to know about Bhaiya 's true identity.

Tej - u are right Rudy.

Rudra raises his imaginary collar .

Shivaay - So I can not participate in...

But he didn't speak further after seeing everyone's glare. And sit quietly on couch with the fingers on the lips.

Bhavya - if we change the identity proof and address.

Everyone looked at Bhavya in shock as they all know how disciplined she is towards her duty.

Anika - but Bhavya it's illegal.

Bhavya - I know bhabhi but this all will happen in my supervision and I ACP Bhavya oberoi will be the suspect of the changes in the ID and if any thing happens I will take charge and don't worry I will also talk to Commissioner sir. (hope I don't hurt anybody sentiment but change in ID is needed in my story)

Shivaay - Bhavya but this can risk your job.

Bhavya - don't worry Bhaiya I will handle this.

Shivaay (unwillingly) - okay.

Shakti - shivaay when u were working under bhaisaab u got your first salary and u bought your own house on your name that too on installment.

Shivaay - yes dad.

Shakti - so we can change your address to that instead of oberoi mansion.

Jhanvi - OK so address done what about name.

Pinky - how about ADITIYA KUMAR

Anika- nice name MA .

Gauri - and in short ADI.

Bhavya - ya so name done.

Everyone - done.

Omkara - so done Rudy call a photographer we need to get Shivaay 's photos ready as soon as possible and Bhavya u just talk to commissioner sir.

Ruvya nodded and get back to work. But stopped due to shivaay.

Shivaay - thank u everyone for everything.

Dadi (giving slapping his shoulder lightly) - chup kar parrivar ko koi thank u bolta hai.

Everyone smiled and back to their work.

Within no time photographer arrived and start with a photo clicking session.

While Bhavya tells that commissioner sir gave them permission. Tej called their lawyer and ask him to keep this confidential and make a immediate changes in Shivaay's identity proof.


Anika was putting her and Shivaay's clothes in the cupboard just then shivaay back hugged her which make anika shock.

Anika - what are u doing u scared me.

Shivaay - hmm I am romancing with my wife.

Anika- aaj bada pyaar aa raha hai.

Shivaay -Voh toh roze ata hai (kissing her neck)

Anika - leave me I have work to do.

Shivaay ( while turning around her)  - nope I want to romance (while touching her lips) .

Anika - cheapde .

Shivaay - thank u for everything.

Anika smile and they both were about to kiss but stopped listening to the fake coughs

They say rikara and ruvya on the door that too eyes closed.

Rudy - Bhaiya adult movie start Karne se phele door close karna lena chahiye. 

Shivaay gives angry glare to everyone and asked them to open their eyes while Anika was blushing hard.

Omkara - shut up Rudy .

Shivaay - thanks om.

Omkara - by the way Rudy adult movie start Hogi toh hie toh choti ma ke kanji ankoh wale pota poti aaynge.

Shivika blushed hard while omru hi-fi and rivya hoots.

Leap of 5 days

Everything was set now. Shivaay used to stay at home and try and experiment new dishes of different types and pinky and dadi used to taste those dishes and gives point to him.

Omkara is busy in his art gallery preparing for the upcoming exhibitions. While Rudy established his own gym named the gym as " obros gym". The gym in few days only got popular.

Tej,shakti,jhanvi, anika and Gauri used to handle business. Tej and jhanvi handles the deal and meetings.
While Anika and Gauri handles the presentation and employees. And shakti takes care of accounts department.

Everthing was running smoothly and tomorrow is the tasting round. And our shivaay was hell nervous.

Omkara enters the kitchen to find shivaay damn focused on making cake. So he decided to move out of the kitchen quietly but our Rudy boy in a jet speed enters and hugs shivaay due to which the base of the cake get destroyed. 

Rudy gets scared and but his head down in guilt while omkara was watching this and was about to specify shivaay.

Omkara - shivaay it's OK...

Shivaay start laughing and pull omru in a hug.

Shivaay - look at your face I will not eat u alive.

Rudy - but Bhaiya I am sorry I destroyed your base.

Shivaay - it's OK Rudy and this base is burnt one the new base is in the oven.

Omkara - u burn food after so many years what happened buddy.

Shivaay - Its nothing like that actually I was preparing for decorating the cake and in that I forgot the base is in the oven.

Rudy - ohh. By the way Bhaiya tomorrow is your tasting round u ready.

Shivaay - ya a kind off.

Omkara - don't be nervous we all are with u. by the way sign this form I will go tomorrow to the center and submit it.

Shivaay sign the form.

A new beginning is going to start...
Hope u liked it.

No targets from now I will right for my loyal readers as their comments motivate me. Just a request please do comment.

And from the next chappy the real battle will start.

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