Chapter 14

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Shivika reach the farmhouse and saw all the lights off. Anika hold shivaay's hand tightly .

They move inside and suddenly the lights get on with banner pops out of congratulations.

Omru and rivya comes out with a smile.

Omrurivya - congratulations Bhaiya /shivaay.

Shivaay - thank u guys but who told you.

Bhavya - we called anika bhabhi so she told us and we thought to surprise u.

Shivaay - but I want to surprise u guys.

Anika - shivaay actually they called and I was waiting for u downstairs so I told them (looking at him with puppy eyes)

Shivaay - it's okay (while side hugging her) 

Omkara - I am so happy for you brother . When will the 2nd part of this level will start.

Shivaay - tomorrow at 3

Rudra - Bhaiya give your best. We all are with you.

Gauri - ha Bhaiya wait we have another surprise for you.

Gauri went and bring laptop and though Skype tej, jhanvi, shakti, pinky and dadi said congratulations to shivaay.

Shivaay - thank u

The whole family chit chat and shivika left after having dinner with rikara and rivya.

They reach the hotel and went to their room and slept.

The next day

Anika get up first and open the curtains and then look at shivaay who put duvet over his face to get a protection from sun rays . She went inside the duvet and kiss shivaay on his forehead, cheeks and finally lips.

Shivaay smiled and said" I want morning like this only " (putting his hands around her waist).

Anika - now get up it's already 8 we need to have our breakfast.

Shivaay - breakfast can wait ( kissing her neck) 

Anika - no get up (strictly)

Shivaay - u are such a mood spoiler.
(getting up from the bed) 

But Anita held his wrist and pull him towards her and they share a passionate kiss.

Both broke the kiss to which Anika said " now happy "

Shivaay - yes but we can continue as their is still time in the competition.

Anika - no (glaring him)

Shivaay - fine but tonight u are mine.
(winking her)

Anika blushed while shivaay moved towards the washroom.

Meanwhile anika ordered the breakfast .

When shivaay moved out of the washroom and Anika goes in and in mean time the breakfast arrived .

They had their breakfast and talked with rikara as ruvya were out.

They think to go downstairs and enjoy the cool breeze.

They were in the garden and few children were playing around.

When shivaay said " did u know why I chose the ideology of naam khoon khandan ".

Anika - why

Shivaay - because mom said That they are of not our class. I never played in mud or get drenched in rain .

We have a Gardener he had a son who was of my age we went to same school but we were treated differently. I reached great hieghts but he just stayed as a 20000 salaried employe.
U know mishra he is son of our caretaker. I was so attached towards my daima that I asked dadi to fund his education. And u know what she agreed.

Anika smiled listening to him.

Shivaay - I just want to enjoy my sacrificed childhood.

Just than rain started.

Anika - u can do it right now.

They both stand in a Titanic position and they stayed at least for 15 minutes in each other arms.

Anika - now we just move inside and u just wash up and have some coffee and a medicine or u will catch a cold.

Shivaay nodded and they both move inside.

Shivaay wash up and had coffee and medicine.

Anika - Shivaay it's only 12 we can sleep till 2 then u can go down stairs for competition after your lunch.

Shivaay - okay.

They both cuddle in each other arms not before getting alarm on at 2.
Hope u guys enjoyed the shivika moments and I badly need some suggestions. Please put your suggestion.

And on Mondays I will not update.

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