Chapter 50

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Yassssss half century 😍
Thanks to everyone 🌼🌹

Early morning when anika woke up that too before shivaay she looked at him and kissed his forehead and move towards the restroom but she saw a letter near her door. She picked it up and open the letter it was on shivaay's name.

She read it and got excited she move towards the bed and jumped on shivaay which makes him scream.

Shivaay - what the the hell! Anika!!  What are u doing I am not in a mood of early morning romance I want sleep last night also u didn't let me sleep.

Anika - shut up Mr. Oberoi....  Just get up fast I want to show u something.

Shivaay - I don't want to get up.

Anika (in anger) - If u will not get up on the count of 3 I will pour a ful bucket of water that too cold.

Anika gave him last warning due to which he got up instantly.

Shivaay - u cheater.

Shivaay make faces and anika can't help but aww at her Billu. She pulled is cheeks and said - u so cute Billu ji but we will argue later first read this.

To Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi,
This is an honor to tell u that u successfully qualified the semi final round and will see u tomorrow for the finals. Many many congratulations to you.

But tonight we would like u to be present with your family at the lawn for celebration. And we would like u to introduce to your other fellow competitors.
World Cooking Champion Management

Shivaay hugged anika.

Anika - congratulations shiv u made it I am so happy for u. I know u will make your country proud.

Shiv - thanks anu without u and your support I can never imagine reaching to this height. I love u.

Anu - I love u too.

They just lost in each others eyes.

Later that day they told the family about the competition and the night event everyone was excited for tonight and tomorrow.

The next 24 hours gonna be so thrilled and with so much ups and downs.

Chefs were nervous because the last round is always complicated every year and till the last minute they didn't know the twist which is gonna be present. But somewhere they knew that shivaay if he uses his both intelligence and skills he will win for sure.

Later that day they got ready for the event and tej and shanky decided to stay back and go to one of the childhood friend who is settle in America.

Shivika outfit

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Shivika outfit

Shivika outfit

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Rikara outfit

Rikara outfit

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Ruvya outfit

Shivaay asked chefs to come along with them but they refuses and said the we have a meeting.

They all moved downstairs and trio couples were amazed with the decorations. Simple yet elegant.

Their were banners for all five final contestants.

Shivaay was called by the management to join the other fellow contestants. While anika , rikara and ruvya got busy .

One of the management member went on the stage.

" Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please. Today we are here to celebrate and congratulate our top five final contestants who came to this round with a lot of hurdle and barriers in their way. To reach this platform u only dream but these 5 made it a dream come true for many.

Follow your dreams and you will be happy. ... Your dream IS who you are. You SHOULD pursue it! Your dream gives you a sense of meaning and purpose, and drives you on into your chosen future. Your dream IS the meaning of your life!

I know it's very hard to follow your dream but Ultimately, dreams help us move forward and grow as people. They don't have to be big. A good dream could be to smile through the rough days. ... There is nothing wrong with this but we should recognize it from the start to avoid getting frustrated when we think about the dreams we haven't fulfilled.

I would like our finalist to come up on the stage
Katie, Canada
Nick, Australia
Crystal, Germany
Shivaay, India
Tony, America

We are glad that you all reached this height and wish u all the very best for tomorrow's competition."

And the event got over on a very good note.

Everyone retires to their room and waited for tomorrow.

The day finals

And the most awaited day came. The night was difficult to pass through. But it did.

No audience was allowed in the competition room but to the seminar were through the scree they all can watch their loved once.

Anika and family congrats shivaay. He also meet the trio chefs and took their blessings too and he move towards the hall were the competition will start.

Tej was on his way to bring dadi and jhanvi from airport. It was a surprise for shivaay but unluckily the flight got late so jhanvi and dadi send some virtual blessing for him but still unknown to shivaay that they will be seeing him live.

Inside the hall management, big chefs were present watched them entering and settling to their counters.

One of the management member said " a very warm welcome to u 5 gems today is the finals of World Cooking Champion after this round your daily routine will not be normal anymore as normal as it was before it will change for only one person amongst u guys. So all the very best.
So this round is very easy u only need to prepare one dish we will be giving u 200 dollars each and go outside and bring the necessary items u all want for your dish u want to present to us.
That's it "

All the five got so confused that's it.

Hey guys
How are u all.

I hope u find the chapter interesting and I will update the next one in this week only.

Keep showing your love and support....

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