Chapter 49

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It's been two days after the result got declared and top 10 semi finalist for world cooking champion get selected and luckily shivaay was in top 10 contestants all because of anika and when shivaay want to thank her guess what she replied "aloo ke paranthe kise aache nahi lagte" she said with a smirk a typical anika and chuckles at shivaay reaction.

And that host was punished by god itself. While returning home the other day of the quarters he met with an accident which was horrible and currently he is critical.

Everyone was happy for shivaay because he recovered fast than expected and only two more steps to the trophy. All of them were so excited about it.

Jhanvi and dadi stayed back to India due to work but they are trying to join the finals and security of both the ladies got tight as per shivaay instructions.

While tej, shanky, rikara and ruvya were enjoying the America shopping around , spending nights in oberoi farmhouse and Rudy badly want go to the Disneyland but want shivaay to win the championship first then they will enjoy Disneyland.

Trio chefs were so happy but a bit nervous about the next two rounds. They knew it's not gonna be easy as they were expecting to be.

And finally the next day was semi finals each and every contestant got instructions about the the tomorrow's round.

Each contestant will be competing for a particular time and a particular meal and it will be head on competition between two contestants.

1. Morning - Josh and Katie
2. Mid morning - Jojo and Nick
3. Lunch - Mike and crystal
4. Evening snack - Emily and Shivaay
5. Dinner - Tony and Anthony

These were the contestants to perform tomorrow together for the different meals.

They will be judged differently and on the bases of taste and presentation.

As shivaay slot was in evening anika was a bit relaxed as his medication won't be late.

They all waited for the the next day with a hope and excitement.

Next day

All the contestants got ready as per their slots and the good thing was that the further information would be given at the time of their performance.

Their was a famous restaurant nearby the hotel so when the particular slot comes the contestants move to the restaurant.

Shivaay was currently getting ready as he already took rest after taking his medicine. He leaves by 3:00 PM as per the instructions and no family was allowed to come so he bid bye to everyone and left with chef vikas , chef Sanjeev and chef ranveer as they were representing the country as a head.

They all reached to the restaurant and shivaay moved towards the kitchen and a girl was already present here.

Shivaay - hello miss myself shivaay from India.

Girl - oh hello gentlemen myself Emily from LA.

Shivaay - nice to meet u Emily.

Emily - nice to meet u too. If I am not wrong u are competitor.

Shivaay smiled and said - yes I am all the best for today.

Emily smiled back and said - all the best may the best man or woman win.

They go to their respective counters after waited for the further details.

After a while a person came to them.

Person - hello my name is Sam the manager of this restaurant and u guys must be shivaay and Emily for the evening meal slot competition .

Shivaay and Emily - yes sir.

Sam - okay cool first of all the best for the competition.

Shivaay and Emily - thank u sir.

Sam - so around 50 customers come for evening meal and u need to make 10 additional plates for management and u guys are lucky enough that the quantity of the food will be less but a problem arises when u need to make it neither light nor heavy. If it's too heavy u will not be able to gets the point and if it's too light u will not be able to win their heart.
U need to make only one dish as we will be serving them two plates one of Emily and the other of shivaay.
U guys have everything in this kitchen  whatever u need u can get any time. No barriers. And it's almost 3:30 and u guys have only one and a half hour to perform this task.

Sam looked at his watch and said go.

Both Emily and shivaay started cooking.

Shivaay decided cook aloo chat as anika loves it and one quote he remembers when anika said "aloo kise aache nahi lagte" he chuckles to himself. Anika always said that street food is much much better than any fancy restaurant so he decided to cook it.

He make sure that the chat was not so spicy. If it's spicy people out their may of May not like it.

Putting the potatoes in a a huge pan and let it boil for good 15-20 mins he decided to garnish his chat with pomegranates and bhujia. So he started preparing for the garnishing.

After an hour everything was done he fried the aloo and made sure right about of green chutney is used.

He started garnishing the plates

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He started garnishing the plates.

Soon the waiters came and took all the plates to serve customers and management.

Shivaay and Emily both left for hotel as next slot timing was about to start.
Trio chef stayed back.

Shivaay reached hotel and goes to his room were everyone was present.
Rudy and anika run towards him.

Anika(in excitement and hope) - shiv how was your performance and what did u make.

Shivaay ( with suspicious eyes)  - it went well and I made aloo chat...

Anika screamed in excitement - yesss... yessss I won... I won....

Shivaay (still in shock) - u won what.

Anika ( hugging him)  - I won the bet shiv I knew it u will make something desi but Rudy said u will make something fancy.

Shivaay looked at Rudra.

Shivaay - really a bet are u crazy.

Rudra - I am not crazy Bhaiya u are I thought u will make something fancy Now I have to give bhabhi a ice cream treat.

Shivaay looked a anika in shock while anika was dancing in joy.

Shivaay - Ice cream how stupid.

Which makes everyone laughed whereas Rudy was still making faces and anika hugged shivaay repeatedly saying thank u.

Not edited

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