Chapter 19

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Everyone one left the hall and shivika move towards the pool where shivaay pulled Anika towards him making anika shock.

Shivaay - u remember the promise.

Anika - promise? What promise.

Anika tease shivaay.

Shivaay - aacha ji..  Konsa promise.
Wait I tell u.

Shivaay picked her up in his arms and moved towards the room.

Anika - shiv chodiye koi Dekh lega.

Shivaay - toh dekhne do.

Anika shake her head and just then she got a call and the name displayed on phone was Rudy.

Anika laughs and shivaay puts her down and said " mere romance ka dushman. I think he don't want to become chachu ."

Anika blushed and said " shameless. He is your brother and don't u dare to scold my baby. "

Shivaay rolled his eyes. And Anika picked up the call and put it on speaker.

Anika - hello Rudy.

Rudy - hello bhabhi how are you doing and I hope I didn't disturb you.

Before anika could say anything shivaay said in sarcasm " no not at all Rudy how can u disturb us ".

Rudy - oh hello Bhaiya how are you and did u make it in top 5.

Anika - yes he did it Rudy.

Rudra - congratulations Bhaiya I knew it that you will able to make in top 5 .

Shivaay smiled at his confidence and said " thanks crybaby ".

Rudra  - bhabhi dekho na Bhaiya paresan kar rahe hai.

Anika - shiv don't u dare to anything to my baby.

Shivaay shakes his head in disbelief.

Anika - Rudy where are others.

Rudra - bhabhi they are in the kitchen making dinner.
And Bhaiya when is your next competition.

Shivaay - after two days. Why?

Rudra - because we all were making plans to visit some places tomorrow. So thought u guys join us tonight only we will plan out.

Shivaay widen his eyes and was about to say no but Anika said " yes we are coming in an hour or two "

Rudra - OK bye bhabhi come soon.

Anika cut the call and shivaay already made a angry pout while anika dragged him to the room. Unknown to them a person listen to their call and smirk.

Person calls someone and said " follow them when they moved out of the hotel. "


Shivaay was sitting on bed silently while anika was packing the clothes and necessary stuff.

Anika saw shivaay silent and decided to pacify him .

She moved towards him kiss his forehead.

Anika - happy.

Shivaay - 10% only.

Anika smile and kissed his both cheeks.

Anika - now

Shivaay - 50% ( he controls his smile).

Smita smile and capture his lips and after a passionate kiss the broke apart and join their heads.

Anika - now.

Shivaay - 101% and smiles.

Anika - now let's move we need to leave.

Shivika locks the room took the bag and move downstairs and then suddenly they meet ranveer.

Ranveer - u guys at this hour .

Shivaay (Adi) - yes sir actually we are going to my brothers house as tomorrow is holiday.

Ranveer - okay enjoy.

Ranveer left with a smile and so as shivika.


Om - Rudy when will shivaay and bhabhi come.

Rudy - I think they might be on their way.

"not on way, we are here " said anika from the main door.

Omru hug shiv and rivya hug anika as they meet after long time.

Then rivya hug their Bhaiya and omru hug their bhabhi cum friend and partner in crime respectively.

Bhavya - we missed u guys.

Shivaay - we too. How are You all.

Rikara ruvya - khidkitodh ( shouted)

And shivaay rolled his eyes as they all spoke anika 's language.

Shivaay - u guys are impossible.

Saying that he headed towards the couch. While others chuckle and omru hi-fi Anika.

Shivaay - so what's the plan for tomorrow.

Gauri - first of fall have this beverage I made it with an experiment.

Gauri said while coming out of the kitchen.

Shivika have their beverage.

Rudy - so Bhaiya I planed for whole two days..

Anika - not two days Rudy shivaay had a workshop day after tomorrow.

Rudy - this is not fair Bhaiya. ( said with a pout)

om - it's OK na . We will postpone or cut few things. Shivaay what's the timing of your workshop.

Shivaay - 11am -2 pm maybe.

om - so we can go after that for an Hour or two.

Rudy - OK ( said with a small smile)

Shivaay - so what's the plan Rudy boy.

Rudy - okay so.
Tomorrow early morning around 6 we will reach to SHREE NARYANI DHAM TEMPLE as Gauri bhabhi wants.

Then kune falls as cool breeze always hits in the morning only.

Then bushi dam

We will see these places till around 10 so that we can cover other places too. 

We will go to Della adventure park.
Lakes and then finally sunil's celebrity  wax museum.

And day after tomorrow  lion point,  Ryewood park and Bhor ghat after Bhaiya 's workshop.

How is it.

Rudy said with enthusiasm and others nodded as they know in picnic planning  Rudy is awesome.

They chit chat with each other and also talk with senior oberois and retires to their respective rooms.

I have zero knowledge of Mumbai or lonavla so any mistake related to places please ignore.

Thank you...

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