Chapter 24

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Hello guys.



Here comes tej Singh oberoi with blood shot eyes with Bhavya who was in her acp uniform and commissioner kadam also accompanied them.

Shivika were shocked to see tej at this hour while Suraj got tensed as he knows the power of oberois.

Tej - don't u dare to say anything about my son and my daughter in law.
And he didn't meant to insult u guys but people like u will never understand. Bhavya show them the papers.

Bhavya take the papers from commissioner kadam and showed to chairman.

Bhavya - all this work is done under the supervision of high authorities. These fake identities are available only for 2 months. Here is the agreement and for your very kind information after the state level these papers were about to post u with all original photocopies.

Ranveer was a bit relief now he was happy that chairman will only punish him and not Disqualified and at the same time tensed as he knew that shivaay can loose his immunity.

Chairman was looking the proofs and he said " I need to have a word with board of directors and management then only I can say anything further. We will meet after an hour ".

He said and leave with ranveer and Nikita.

Everyone left the hall only shivika, Bhavya ,tej ,commissioner kadam and Suraj were left.

Both Suraj and shivaay comes in front of them.

Shivaay - so this was your deed.

Suraj - yes it was u snatched my position from me u took my immunity from me. U made me insulted in front of my team mates. I will not let u win.

Shivaay ( chuckle) - u know what instead of playing with mind games and ploting against me u should concentrate more on cooking and the techniques.

Bhavya and anika control their laughter and tej and Mr. Kadam smiled.

Shivaay - u are still here go and plot against me.

Giving an angry glare he left.

Shivaay just hugged tej as from his childhood he feels a relaxed and more confident when he is with tej.

Shivaay - thank u bade papa u just saved me today.

Tej(smiled) - Mujhe toh ana hi tha.

Anika - but bade papa how u get to know that something like this can happen today.

Bhavya - bhabhi I tell u what happened.


When shivika were going to the hotel Bhavya spotted a person behind them clicking their pics.

Bhavya (suspicious) - what's going I should follow them.

Bhavya to Rudra - rudra u go inside I just come.

Rudra - okay.

Bhavya left behind them and saw the same person how took the photo of shivika outside the farmhouse giving the photos to someone. Bhavya was not able to see the face as it was too dark to the other side.

Bhavya take out her phone and contact tej.

Bhavya - hello Papa.

Tej - ha beta all OK over their.

Bhavya - no papa nothing is OK their is a problem. It is a possibility that shivaay can be in problem tomorrow.

Tej - what but why. Explain everything to me.

Bhavya said everything about the person clicking shivika photos and giving to someone.

Bhavya - papa just do one thing can u and commissioner sir with all the legal papers can come over here so the situation can be under control.

Tej - OK by tomorrow morning I will be their.

Bhavya - and yes can u please ask mom to give my police uniform to u.

Tej - OK.

Bhavya left to the farmhouse and speak to rikara and Rudra about this so that they can prepare for the worst to come.

Flashback end

Bhavya - and in morning papa arrived to the farmhouse with commissioner sir and I changed to my uniform when we saw the news about the truth coming out.

Shivaay - thank u so much bade papa, Bhavya and commissioner kadam to come over here in such a short notice. I am very grateful to u.

Tej - anything for u my son.

Anika - and shivaay why did u not said anything to chantomai Suraj when he was putting allegation on u.

Shivaay - ani I know I didn't done anything wrong so why should I justify my point to Suraj so I stay quiet and thought to justify my point to chairman only.

They all left to the canteen and waited for the chairman decision to come.

One hour gets over and they all went to the hall.

Chairman - I know what ever Mr. Shivaay did was wrong but seeing the proof I am impressed that he make sure that all work is done under the eyes of law. So management agreed to a conclusion that Mr. Shivaay will not be Disqualified....

Oberoi family was so happy that the hugged each other and Aakriti was also happy for her friend except suraj he was angry.

Chairman continue " but the immunity is taken away from him and he will be given only 2 hours for 3 dishes and one beverage.

Shivaay smiled and said - okay sir I once again apologies to u and management and except the punishment.

Shivaay was this much confident o his cooking skills that he can do this while Suraj was smirk as he think it's hard to cook in such a short time.

Almost everyone was right about tej being that voice and hijk2017 was right about the legal papers.

Silent readers please show some love towards the story.

Next update next week and in advance Happy Independence Day

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