Chapter 31

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It's been a month of his unexpected win. He was thankful to his family, his mother, his brothers and his wife to support him and love him unconditionally.

He was going to office but not frequently. He used to visit in ranveer 's hotel and spend hours with the chefs and even waiters to listen their experiences. He used to learn different dishes from them.

He generally practices the time based food instructed by ranveer. Shivaay and dadi used to talk a lot and sometimes either dadi used to massage shivaay's forehead or shivaay used to give a massage to dadi's Feets.

Jhanvi, anika and Gauri used to stay in office more we can say that the office is run by the ladies and they became a inspiration to many.

Tej and shakti mostly attends the foreign trips .

Omkara organized 7 exhibition continuously in a month and won 2 awards for that .

While our Rudy boy tries to bear a famous gym trainer he sometimes fails but never losses hope.

Bhavya got a transfer to Delhi for a week due to security reasons and she is on a break right now and helps pinky in household stuff. She learned many thinks like cooking and some clothing stuff from her pinky MA.

Prinku once visited to oberoi mansion as its difficult to visit again and again to India form America. As ranveer (priyanka's husband) he was suspended from his acp and he thought to restart his life with prinku leaving all the negativity behind.
He started with a basic business and shivaay and shakti helped him but tej and omru were against it but shivaay and shakti made them understand.

In oberoi mansion

A very basic day in house shivom making food and Rudy as usual annoying them.

While oberoi ladies were chatting about business, work, deals, etc on which jhanvi said that anika is the female version of Sso in the office which made them laugh except anika.

Shakti and tej were on a trip to London as they are establishing another office their thanks to the ladies effort at work.

We can say oberoi mansion was an inspiration to everyone were ladies works and gents cook to those who have a stereotype mentality that woman meant to be in kitchen.

Khanna came in with letter.

Khanna gave the letter to anika and said that " ma'am this letter is for shivaay sir ".

Anika took it and read it while khanna left.

Meanwhile shivomru came out with breakfast.

Shivomru enters the hall.

Shivaay - lovely ladies breakfast is ready.

He saw a letter in anika's hand.

Shivaay - what's this.

Anika - shivaay after 2 days you had a competition in Delhi for national level.

Four more chapters and national level will get over. And then I will take a break for a month. Then will resume with international level.

And I wrote the chapter yesterday but got deleted 😣.

Personally I hate Winters coz it makes me lazy and sad for no reason.

Next update on Thursday for sure no delay (I will try) 😅😅😅

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