Chapter One: Pilot

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She had to admit, the guy was cute. But that wasn’t something to stay for, Priestly sighed internally. The brunette moved silently around the stranger’s room, picking up her scattered clothing, slipping it on as she found it. Except for her shoes, those she held in her hand as she made sure she had everything, then tiptoed out of the bedroom. 

Carson Priestly- known as Priestly- was gorgeous, there wasn’t any question about it, but she wasn’t looking to settle down yet- at least not with her latest fling. She wasn’t looking to settle down with really anyone, not anyone who wasn’t apart of her life- apart of SAMCRO. 

Ever since she was a little girl, after being brought under her ‘father’s’ care, Priestly had been completely engrossed in the life of the motorcycle club, idolizing the bikers and their gritty and dark lifestyle. While she knew that, as a girl, she wouldn’t ever be allowed to patch into the club, she knew there were other ways to be involved, and not just as someone’s old lady.

As the brunette lent on the wall of the apartment building’s hallway, waiting for the elevator, she smiled as she realized that she had done something no one thought she could- become a valued part of the club. Priestly was the official medic to the Sons of Anarchy MC, Redwood Original. At 27, she was already three years out of medical school.

Despite the dozens of offers of residency, she had chosen to return to her small hometown after graduation, and not take any job in the medical field offered to her. Instead, she took a job at Teller-Morrow Automotive, to every outsiders shock. But to her family, to the club, they knew why; Priestly had only attended medical school to be  SAMCRO’s personal doctor.

Priestly had been lucky- she hadn’t paid more the fifty dollars out of her own pocket for her education. Her high grades, intelligence, and outstanding applications had secured her plenty of scholarships and grant money to attend school. With the exception of one book in her last year of school, the young woman hadn’t paid for anything pertaining to her extended education.

Which was why she wasn’t desperate for a high-paying medical job- she didn’t have student loans to pay off, and was debt free, something very few people her age could say. But, she couldn’t take all the credit for that, Bobby ‘Elvis’ Munson, the club secretary, had been a huge part of that. He’d not only helped her keep focused throughout school, but he’d helped find a majority of the grants and scholarships that had put her through school.

After exiting the apartment building and slipping into her car, Priestly pulled her phone out pocket of her jeans, groaning quietly as she saw that she had three missed calls and several text messages. Two missed calls were from her dad, and one was from Jax. The texts were from a variety of her family; one from her dad telling her to call him, one from Jax saying he was on his way back, Gemma sent one telling her to come over for dinner tomorrow, and she had two from Juice, one asking her about medical supplies and another to tell her her dad had passed out at the clubhouse. 

The last one made her chuckle slightly. Tig Trager had taken her in when she was seven years old, rescuing from the hell that had been her mother. While he might not have been related to her by blood, Priestly had called him her dad since she was eight, and that hadn’t changed in the almost twenty years since. 

As she started to dig through her pockets, she heard an echoed thump, followed by a bright light. Looking over her shoulder, she watched as a mushroom of smoke and shade of orange and red joined the light. Priestly frowned, before swearing loudly when she realized where the explosion was coming from. 

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