The beginning of the end.

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"Wakey wakey bitch" i felt a sharp sting on my cheeks that jolted me awake, I was tied to a wooden chair in a dark room.
"What the fu" I cursed and tried to wiggle my hands from the rope and she placed a finger to my lips.
"We don't curse here bitch" with that she untied her veil and my eyes bulged it was anisa and a guy that looked haggard beside her.

"Remember me? I told you I was going to be your worst nightmare and it has been confirmed"she said and stuck a needle to my arm , I screamed and she laughed and the man stuck another needle to my other arm.

"Why are you doing this?"

"You took the one thing that I loved in this world Khadija and I'm going to take your life, ha—ha my afaan, do you know we are married ?"she asked banging her head with her hand then she started crying.

"Anisa listen to me , you're sick you need help"

"Shut up"She walked up to me and smacked me.

"So that's what he's been telling you that I'm sick ? Haaha, he's the sick person if you don't know yes he's the sick person"

"He took me away from my family Khadija and married me, then he started ignoring me" I wanted to believe her but he Just took something that was most valuable to me and I was finding it difficult to believe.

" look Anisa, afaan never married you he helped you, listen to me let me go and I'll not tell afaan about this, I promise you"

She looked at me and banged her head then burst out laughing ,she touched the guy beside her
"Terror put her to sleep"

"No please don't do this to ...."I started saying when he stuck a syringe on my already sore arm , dizziness overtook me and the last thing I saw was her smirking face.


Afaans POV.
I left afrah at home and rushed to the office only to be told by my secretary that there was no meeting , I told her to get to the bottom of this whole charade, and cleared some paperwork then decided to go home right before the rain started.
I went straight to her parlor  , everything was just the way I left it and it was weird cause afrah is an obsessive cleaner she hates Misorganized things , I checked everywhere but there was no sign of her I called Zara ,harri and then eventually bullz.

The three ms were at my door step in less than a minute.

"Afaan are you sure you didn't do anything wrong to make her leave?, cause you can be a jerk sometimes?"

"Seriously bullz you choose to bring one of your bull shits here , get the fuck out if you can't help me" I said staring at him sternly.

"Hey dude chill , I'm sure he didn't mean that , and afaan that was rude , he was only giving a theory" mufadal said and I realized he was being honest , I looked up at bullz.
"Hey man I'm sorry , I'm just stressed and I miss her , I just hope she's alright?"

"It's ok dude ,she'll be fine I have a friend he's a detective ,I'm sure he can help with this You remember shahid right?..." he was asking when my phone bleeped I picked and I spoke on the phone for some minutes then dropped and looked at the floor.

"Erm guys I know who has her"

I was jolted to consciousness once again , the drug had a drastic effect on me and I've been falling in and out of consciousness, I lay still on the chair and tried moving my feet and then my hands then opened my eyes gently hoping this was a dream , I opened my eyes and met his eyes staring at me, he moved forward just when Anisa ran in.

"Erm terror I'm sorry , I called afaan cause I missed him and I'm sure the police are on their way , we need to leave right now"

He held her by the neck and lifted her off the ground even before she finished talking
"You did what? You fool"

It was fun to watch them betraying each other but I was falling into unconsciousness again and I hated it.
I woke up again and saw afaan running towards me hazily and him falling to the ground.

"Afaan" I called as I slid into another unconsciousness.

Ohh allah help me and my husband.

"Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day. Everything is going to be okay in the end. If it's not the okay, it's not the end."

Heyyy guys , it's your favorite writer qaheesha , I'm back with a new chapter for you guys yaaaaayyyy, the  q and a session is coming soon insha allah.

I really appreciate everyone that has been with me through this and the people that supported me through all this , if you have any issue, problem or suggestion just send me a PM.

Damn , if you have a story in your head and you want someone to help you with it talk to me and I'll make it possible , if you want me to write about you then PM me as well

I love you all and god bless Xx

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