8. The Great Escape

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Impossible. He's a super. A fricken super!

How could he not bust in that glass? Is he really that weak that he can't break in plain gla- oh.

I turned my head to where Jet was standing. Raising an eyebrow at him, I decided to find out if he was smarter than he let on. "So. Did you plan for the glass to be reinforced?"

Ingenious idea. Who would have thought he would fall for it. Or that it would actually work...

He turned from his astonished stance to look at me, probably with the blankest look ever known to man, judging by the twist of his mouth. "Huh?" Was his intelligent mutter.

And I actually got kidnapped by this douche. Oh, the shame.

Sighing, I turned to look at the window again, half expecting for the other idiot to come back up and try again. After a few minutes of nothing happening, there was the sound of a door hitting a wall further in the building in some other room. I turned my head the opposite direction from the window and waited.

A few seconds later, the door to this room burst open and there he was. The blonde blunder. Standing majestically with his hand on his hips and cape floating behind him with the force of the wind of him running. Acting as if he didn't just get knocked out by a bloody window. I was tempted to gesture to said window and make a snarky remark like 'Watch out! They're dangerous'.

But that urge was quickly forgotten when he shouted out with a sentence that fitted his idiocy perfectly. "Never fear, Argent is here!"

I could hold back anymore, I let my true emotions show on my face for once. Groaning, I threw back my head with my face twisted in utter anguish at the situation before me. "What have I done to deserve this? It's hard enough to handle one philandering idiot, but two? Have mercy!" I cried, not really knowing what to.

After a moment of nothing happening, I let out a sigh and dropped my head, letting it hang. I could feel their gazes on me. I let my face go blank again. "So, what now?" I asked casually.

"Time to get you out of here." Super #2 said determinedly.

I looked up and watched as he went to step towards me but Jet disappeared from his previous position and appeared next to 'Argent', one hand gripping his shoulder tightly. Well, considering his speed, he was aptly named. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He warned.

If this were any other type of situation, I would have laughed and pointed at them while muttering about how over dramatic they were. But this was a real situation, the real thing. Two potentially deadly forces fighting head-to-head. I could be killed if that happened. So could others.

I sat, pin straight and frozen with anxiety, watching as the two faced off. They were staring intensely into each others eyes with their shoulders squared and chins lifted. Each was trying to intimidate the other. They were both roughly the same height, which was fairly tall considering my smaller stature.

"Get out of my way."


Their deepened voices echo around the silent room, every small movement of their breath was filled with tension.

The room was unbearably quiet. You could hear the traffic further off in the city, a random honk every now and again.

"Do you know who I am?" Is he... serious? "I am Argent, the greatest super ever. I will crush you with my immense powers. You would have to be stupid to go against me." Annnnnd it is official! He is just as egotistical as Jet is, if not more. Your could practically see their egos clashing, both the size of Russia. "If you enjoy living, you better do what I say before I really get mad. Get. Out. Of. My. W- Puh!"

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