11. Reluctant Alliance

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I'm back! Finally! I know, I know, I took my feckin' time. But I'm here now and that's the important thing, right?

... *feels the glares*...

Right, guys?

Okay, so this is dedicated to @LazyBeast because, even though it was a while back *winces* (I promised you an update for Christmas, sorry), she made me laugh so much, especially when I needed it. If you're still about, I offer you a virtual hug *holds up arms in an invitation for a hug... in a non-creepy way*

You can tell my username suits me, can't you?

Anyway, I don't know if my computer/tablet are broken but it says that Rebellious currently has over a thousand reads. I repeat, over a thousand. Dafuq? I thought I'd get, like, six reads and call it a day. XD So excited!

Alright yeah, so what do you think about the cover? Do you prefer the last one more?

That's it, that's my rant over. Read, comment, vote, enjoy!


This is it, I've given up. I just don't care anymore, I simply can't. This is the cherry on top of the fricken cake, the last taunt that's sending me over the edge. I have been dumped, creeped on, danced down to the dirt, kidnapped, escaped said kidnapping with high risks and am now more paranoid than ever, but this? It's torture. It's messing with my head.

Looking up, I glared at it as it sat looking back at me innocently.

Growling, I tried again, reaching over the edge, grunting in effort.

Failing in reaching my target, I pulled back and slumped against the soft surface beneath me. Releasing a breath, I finally came to the conclusion that I was going to have to put in more effort if I was going to get it.

Groaning, I rolled over and clutched the sheets in one hand and gripping the edge of the mattress with the other. Sliding myself forward using my arms, I felt the first draught. Shivering, I almost pulling back into the warm embrace of my blankets but I stayed fast in my efforts. I was already perched precariously over the edge, arms locked in position to hold the weight of the upper half of my body.

Just get on with it. End the insufferable noise.

Encouraged by that thought and pushed on by the irritation of having to listen to that... noise, I pushed myself further out of my bed. I dropped the grip on my sheets and stretched out the hand that had been holding them. Bracing it against the floor, using it to prop myself up parallel to the floor, I continued in my quest to destroy the damn device less than a meter from my new position.

Dragging myself forward a few more inches, I began to reach for my jacket that held my phone that was just peaking out of the pocket. I couldn't reach it properly, my finger tips brushing the fabric that made up the sleeve. Frustrated, I let out a huff of breathe and swiped at it nearly losing my balance in the process.

Laziness made life hard.

Thinking for a second, a solution came to me. I couldn't move further off the bed or I wouldn't be able to drag myself back into it's comfort like I planned, thus this whole manoeuvre would be rendered pointless as I would have to drop to the floor, stand and climb back into the bed like a normal person. I felt my stubborn streak balk at the thought.

So instead, I went with the alternative planned; bend my elbow.

I felt myself lower closer to the floor, the hem of my pyjama top brushing the floor below my stomach. Unlocking my arm from it's position and bending my arm further, I felt a small jolt before a mild discomfort settled in it's place. With every second that passes, it will get more and more uncomfortable so I just wanted to get this over and done with. Lowering myself a few more centimetres and arching my back to drop me slightly lower, the strain on my elbow increased. But, I also gain a few centimetres of reach and finally gripped the sleeve of the jacket in my hand, I prepared to pull back, wobbling all the while.

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