Chapter Thirty-Nine

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    "And yeah... that's pretty much it..."

   Regal quietly swore to himself and took another puff from his cigarette.

   "Hachi's doing ok?" He asked.

   "He acts like he is," Tres frowned. "But I know he's hurting... he just doesn't want to show it..."

    From the balcony Tres and Regal could see Hachi in the garden, holding Marina's hand as she showed him all the flowers that grew.

"Hachi is the last person I want to see suffer like that... he's always so happy like a baby, it's not fair." Regal said.

   "You're tellin' me." Tres brought his cigarette to his lips.

   "Cliff and I were attacked by one of those Ceph things while working for Mr. Grizz. We were lucky to get out alive."

   "What happened?"

   "Fucker took down the entire lookout tower trying to knock us off."

"That's terrifying..." Tres frowned. "How's Cliff been doing?"

"Too much of a pussy to face you. He's... kinda in a bad headspace."

Tres nodded; it wasn't the first time Cliff put himself in a state of mind where he was self loathing. Tres would have to go see him himself.

   "Yo, dorks." Pearl came and leaned on the railing with them. "Pass me one of them cigs."

   "Y-Yeah, sure!"

Regal shyly handed Pearl a cigarette. Tres held back a snicker; seeing Regal die on the inside from casually hanging out with his favorite pop-star got a kick out of him.

"Y'all saw the jets right?" Pearl said as she lit her cigarette.

"I'm sure everyone did." Tres nodded.

"They probably won't start dropping shit right away." Pearl shook her head. "I'm pretty sure they haven't flown those tin cans in years. Those were probably test flights."

   "Oh fuuuuck... I don't wanna see them bombing the city. Maybe they'll use the jets to save the uninfected people?" Regal suggested.

    "Nah, I don't think that's possible... if anyone's still healthy and alive they're probably trapped and unable to go anywhere." Tres furrowed his brow. "I read up on Inkblot. When Cephs get too big they lose it and just start eating anything that moves. Survivors don't stand a chance..."

   "Damn, we got fucking depressing!" Pearl exclaimed.

   She sat on the railing and looked up at the sky with her cigarette in her mouth.

   "Y'a know what? These last few months have been absolutely nothing but depressing! We need something to lighten the mood! Like our own lil' end of the world party!"

"End of the world is a stretch, isn't it?" Regal said.

"It sure feels like the end of the world!"

Tres looked back at Hachi and Marina in the garden. Hachi was sitting by a bed of flowers looking absolutely amazed by them as Marina explained what type of flowers they were; Hachi didn't look like he cared, he was just fascinated by the colors. Then something came to his mind.

"What if... we had our own Splatfest?"

"Heh?" Pearl raised an eyebrow.

"Marina said there was supposed to be one this weekend, Coffee vs. Tea, right?" Tres started to grin. "We could do three on three if Cliff wants to join. You still have extra weapons in storage."

"We could do it on the old stage out on the lake!" Regal said.

"Oh... oh! Yeah, yeah! We'll even pretty it up! We still got boxes of Christmas lights in the basement!"

Pearl stood up on the railing and cheered.

"End of the world Splatfest, fuckers!!"

"Oh my gosh, Pearl get down from there you'll fall!!" Marina cried out from below.

"We're having a Splatfest, baby! Hype train is leaving the station! WHOO HOO!!"

Pearl started dancing on the railing and made Marina start panicking and squealing for her friend to stop. Regal snuffed out his cigarette under his heel and faced Tres.

"Anyway, I gotta head out before mom realizes I'm gone, I'll tell Cliff about it!"

"Ok, I'll walk you out."

They left Pearl to giving Marina a heart attack and went to the main entrance.

"I've been meaning to ask," Regal said before he left. "Have you been holding out ok...?"

   "What do you mean?" Tres asked, clueless.

   "It's just... after you lost your parents you weren't exactly... yourself... you always worry for others that you end up forgetting about your own health. So are you ok...?"

   Tres stared at Regal. He then dropped his gaze and frowned.

   "I see... well cheer up, ok? Our Splatfest is gonna be great!"

   Regal gave a thumbs up and all Tres could do was give a weak smile. As his friend left, Tres slowly went back inside, shutting the door behind him.

"I forget about my own health...?"

Tres looked at his hands realizing he had a few faded blisters on his palms.


"Traci~!" Hachi called. "We're gonna get lights for the Splatfest!"

When Hachi came around the corner he saw his love by the door with his head down.


   The squid kept staring at his hands and put them at his sides while biting his lip.

   "Sweetie...? I don't mean to be selfish but... I think I need a few minutes to myself... I-I'm sorry, I just—"

   Tres was cut off when Hachi hugged him, tightly. The younger boy drew back for a minute to kiss Tres's cheek and smile.

   "It's not selfish to take a few minutes to think or anything. You do so much, you should go rest! I'll tuck you in like you do with me!" Hachi giggled.

   "Ah... yeah... that sounds nice..."

   "Come on, come on~!"

   Hachi pulled Tres to their room smiling brighter than sunshine. The older boy smiled himself, feeling like he would cry at the same time.

   Even with all the insanity going on... they could still be happy.

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