Chapter 12.

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Dr. Richard's Health Center

So here we are. At Dr. Richard's clinic. After my mother parked the car at the parking lot, we are now heading towards the entrance of the clinic. As soon as we stepped inside, we are welcomed by a beautiful receptionist with dark silky long hair. She looks like a young woman who is in her mid 20's.

"Good Evening, Ms. How can I help you?"

"Good Evening. I have set an appointment with Dr. Richard for my daughter."

"Your daughter's name please, Ms." She asks while checking on the name list on her computer.

"Katrina Jones."

"Katrina Jones. Appointment at 4 pm," she confirms the details of my appointment to my mother and leads us to Dr. Richard's room.

"Please have your seat. Dr. Richard will be here in a moment," she says and leaves us while I try to have a quick glance at Dr.Richard's room.

The place still looks the same as last time. White walls, white ceiling, white floors. Even the furnitures are in white as well. I almost feel like I'm at a holy place or something. Because this white room screams so much of purity, safety, and goodness but at the same time, I also could feel that this room is filled with sadness. Why? Honestly, I don't know. I just can feel it.

Standing in the middle of the room, my eyes started to search for that one thing that used to brings up some color to this room and thus lightening it up. As far as I know, Dr.Richard used to keep it on his desk. So, I walk toward his desk which looks quite messy with some medical reports and patients' schedule, I assume. That's when my pair of green eyes fall on that precious thing, a photograph. It's a picture of Dr. Richard with my parents during their college days. They look so young, wild and happy. That is why I said that this is the only thing that brings colors to this room. The happiness in their faces is so pure and true. I'm definitely going to have the exact shot with Jace and Katie.

Okay, you guys must be confused on why my parents and Dr. Richard are posing together for a picture. Well, both my parents and Dr. Richard are best friends since they were five. They have lived in the same neighborhood and went to the same school and college. In a nutshell, they are inseparable. While, in the case of my parents, my mom once told me that she and my dad started to date each other during the final year of college days. They do seem like a human version of Harry, Hermione and Ron from the Harry Potter, don't they?

As I was admiring the photograph, the door clicked open and in comes the generous man, Dr. Richard. He must had such a long day because he looks extremely exhausted. That's life as a doctor.

His emerald green eyes immediately lit up when he notices my mom who's sitting on the couch beside the door and greets her with a warm hug, "Well, hello there Gillian."

"Hello Dr. Richard," my mom says while returning the gesture.

"Gillian, how many times I have to say that there's no  formalities between us?"

"You're at your working place and I should notify you as a doctor."

Rolling his eyes 360 and sighing, he says, "Whatever, I can't win with you."

"Anyways, where's my dear Kitty Kat?" He asks and my mom points her finger toward me who is right behind him. Cheerfully, he turns around to greet me but as soon as his eyes lands on my hair, his cheerfulness turns into dreadfulness. Great.

"Hey Rich," I say while waving my right hand slightly. Yes, I call him Rich as per his request. He never liked formalities between him and my family. In addition, he is my godfather. So yea.

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