Chapter 19.

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"Bri, I'm home!" I call out for my brother loudly as I slip quickly into the house and close the door. Gosh, I'm freezing to death right now and totally in need of a quick hot shower.

Removing both of my wet sneakers, I walk toward the living room. I need to make sure to dry them later before they smell like a skunk's ass tomorrow.

"Brian?" I call again while walking into the kitchen but there is no sign of him anywhere. At that moment, I realized that it is way too quiet in the house.

A sudden feeling of worries started to buzz at the back of my mind and my pulses quickened at the thought of Brian being alone in the house with a thunderstorm.

What if...

No-no-no. It can't be happening.

Surely he would be in his room asleep. With haste, I dropped my bag at the kitchen counter and hurried up the small, steep stairs. As soon as I reach his room door, I hold my breath and push open the door and walk into the room hoping that Bri is in there.

I slowly released the breath I've been holding when my eyes landed on the Captain America themed bed and also on Brian who is sleeping peacefully.

Thank God, he is fine.

I don't know how he can sleep with the sound of the thunder because I would never. Not wanting to wake him up, I quietly tiptoed out of the bedroom and headed back to the kitchen to take my phone. I completely forgot to text my mom that I've reached home. That is my daily routine though as my mom always wanted to make sure that I'm back home safely.

I reached in my bag and pull out my phone, hoping for a good line coverage. A relieved smile came across my face as I saw a display of five bars on the screen which shows the signal coverage is strong enough.

Unfortunately, the smile on my face faded when I see numerous missed calls and text messages. They are from my mom, dad, Rich and of course Jace. Wow, I had no idea that I will make them worried about me.

Without wasting any minutes, I quickly dialed my mom's number and she picks up in a second.

"Oh my god! Katrina, are you okay? Where have you been? Both dad and I were trying to reach out for you since we heard about rainstorm!" My mom screams at me but I recognize that tone of her. She's extremely worried about me.

"Mom, I'm fine and I'm home. Please don't worry about me. And yeah, my phone had no coverage just now because of the weather condition."

"Thank God for that. Jace dropped you, is it? And is Bri okay?"

Well, should I lie about the Jace part?

"Ummm, yup, he did and Bri is sleeping in his room."

"Alright then, please take care of yourself and Bri. We will reach home in another two hours."

"Okay, mom and please tell dad that I'm fine," I say as my mom hummed in response and we exchanged byes before hanging up the call.

The next person on the list is Jace. I sent him a short text message that I've reached home safely. I am still contemplating whether or not I should tell him about Shawn. Well, I'll deal with this matter tomorrow.

Finally, the last person on the list is Rich but before that, I need a much deserved hot shower.

After I get out of the shower with my hair wrapped in a turban, I slip into an oversized sweater and a pajama pants. I reach for my phone on the study table and plopped down on the bed to make a call to my beloved godfather.

"It took too long for you to call back this Uncle Rich uh?" He sounded normal. Maybe my mom has already notified him about me being safe and sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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