Chapter 14.

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Right after the strongest battle with my brain and heart about working with Shawn, I returned Macy's call.

"Hey, Macy! I'm sorry I didn't answer your call. I left my phone at home and went out with my mom."

"Hey Kat! It's fine, no problem. I heard you were sick. Are you feeling better now?"

Did she just say that she heard I was sick? Well, I hope the news didn't travel to the whole school until I have to face another thousand of calls.

"Urrm yea, yea I'm good. Just a minor migraine though. How did you know that I was sick?" I ask her hoping that she doesn't hear it in our school hallways.

"You never cut the school before so it was kinda shocking for me when I found out that you were absent today. So I asked Katie."

"Oh okay," I say in relief. How stupid I could be to think that the news of my absence would be traveling around my school. Not forgetting being a low-key student.

"Yea. So, get well soon. I'll see you on Monday at school."

What? Did she forget about the assignment?

"Wait! About the assignment, I-" I try to say but she cut me off immediately.

"Oh Kat, we still have time to catch up. We can start it by the end of next week. Your health is way more important here. Just take a good amount of rest during this weekend. Okay? Bye!"

"Wait! Macy? Hello?"

Great. She hangs up. Seriously, did she just called me because she was concerned about my health and not for the assignment?

Wow, she is really one of a kind. She doesn't mind postponing our assignment to next week even though we will be running out of time just to make sure I'm fully recovered. To be honest, I 'm finding myself more guilt-ridden than ever now because I'm not even sick in the first place.

I need to fix my fault here. We can't be dragging the assignment till the end of next week. So, for that, the first thing that I have to do is get Shawn's number for the Whatsapp group that Macy has created for our discussion.

Without wasting a minute, I place my thumb on the fingerprint sensor of my phone to unlock it with my fingerprint. Once it was unlocked, I tap the contact icon and search for Dylan's name but his name is nowhere to be found in my contact.

Great. I remember I had his number. How it can be missing all of sudden when I need it? If it's not Dylan then only one person who can give me Shawn's number now and I tap on his name and hit the little phone icon to call him.

I'm going to regret calling him. He picked up in the first ring itself and I say, "Hello Mas-"


See? Now you know why I said I will regret calling him?

"Oh cut the crap, Mason. I need a favor."

"Seriously?! I thought... Fine. What I can do for you?"

Slowly rubbing my forehead, I was contemplating whether I should ask him Shawn's number or not. But do I have a choice? Nope.

"Hello? Ms.Katrina? You're wasting my precious time here," Mason interrupts me while I'm in a deep thinking.

"Can I get Shawn's number please?" I blurted out and there was a moment of silence in the other line.


"What?! I think misheard or something. Can you please say it again?"

"Can. I. get. Shawn's. Number. Please?"

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