Chapter 13.

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A/N: Cover by the amazingly talented MireilleSameh . Thank youuu so much! You guys can pm her if you in need of covers for your book :) Happy Reading!

Right after the check-up, mom and I are now back home. Mom is parking the car in the garage and not in front of the house, like she usually does if she has work. I assume she's not going to the office later on. Pulling into the garage, we both notice that Dad must be home, as Mom parked her Peugeot 208 next to Dad's Audi E-Tron GT.

To be honest, I'm quite scared to face my dad right now with my new lavender gray hair. He has always been a strict yet supporting father so I'm not sure how is he going to react to this new makeover of mine.

Clicking the front door open, we enter the house just to see my father who is walking back and forth from the living room to the kitchen. If I could describe my dad in just one word means, that would be classy.

His brown eyes are fixed on his phone as he is scrolling through it with a furrowed brows. Not forgetting his DITA FLIGHT 006 sunglasses though. His brown hair was kept in a rough-edged manner as usual. My dad is very well groomed man and he usually wears either very formal or simple that will match his status.

My mom was delighted when she saw my dad as she dropped her handbag on the couch and rush toward my dad to give him a hug and a kiss obviously. She must have been missed him a lot these days since he is spending extra hours at his company for his new project. I mean we all do miss him but it is always extra special when it comes to a husband and wife relationships.

"Hey Steve, how was your day?" You're back early today," my mom says while approaching my dad. He glanced up and smiled at her. Wrapping his arms around her lower back, he then presses gently on the small of her back to pull her close for a hug and hold her against him, giving a peck on her forehead.

"Less work. Fantastic day. How was yours?" My dad asks mockingly in a British accent. I have to admit that he is extremely bad at it. My dad is an American and my mom is a British. He moved to England with his parents and been living there since he was five years old. How funny it is that he still can't speak in a British accent while I am quite fluent with it.

"Good. I missed you," my mom whisper to my dad as I stood still near the front door awkwardly. I mean they are quite far from me but I still can look at them and hear what they are saying.

"I missed you too. So, where's my princess?" He asks all of sudden and I just wanted to open this door and run far away from this place.

Slowly, I walk toward my parents, showing my presence. Oh God, I just hope that my dad won't freak out like me my mom when he sees me.

"Urmm, Dad?" I say hesitantly.

My dad's gaze drifted from my mom to me and I immediately started to regret my decision on this fancy hair.

Why? Because the look on my dad's face is totally horrifying. He let go of my mom from his hug while still staring at me like I just murdered someone. Well, I did actually murdered my blonde hair though. Shut up, Kat. This is not the time to crack jokes, I internally scolded myself for my childish thoughts.

"Wow. Your hair..." he says with no expression and then shifted his gaze back to my mother, "Gill? What did Richard say about Kat's migraine?"

My mother looks at me and lets out a huge sigh, "He said it was just a minor one and that we don't have to worry much about it. He gave some tablets though."

My dad nods while looking down at the shining white marble floor, avoiding eye contact with me, "Good. Kat, follow me. We need to talk."

That's it. I'm screwed.

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