Chapter 16.

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I might be late today. So, don't wait for me.

I quickly sent a short text message to Katie and keep away my phone inside my bag. The reason I asked her not to wait for me is because I wanted to talk to Shawn about our assignment. I know I'm still angry at him but I need to make him understand that we need to put aside our history and focus on this assignment.

"Kat dear, both me and your dad will be back home late today. Maybe around 9 or 10 something because we are meeting your dad's business colleagues. Can you manage yourself and take care of Brian?" My mom asks while focusing her eyes straight on the road.

Again, Jace couldn't pick me up today as well because he needs to send his mom to the airport before coming to school.

"Sure mom. You don't have to worry about us. By the way, I'll be going back home around 6 like that. Assignment stuffs," I say and my mom gives me a proud smile.

We arrived at the school and I give my mom a warm hug before I make my way to school.

As soon as I reach the hallway, my eyes started to scan each and every corner of the hallways for Shawn but he is nowhere to be seen.

Where is he?

He's not even at his locker where he used to hang out with his friends before the class starts.

Feeling frustrated about failing to find Shawn, I am now walking back to my locker to take my books. It's Wednesday today so the first period is World History. Ugh.

The worst part getting to your locker at this time is that there appear to be couples hugging and worst of all kissing each other like there is no one watching them. Do they really have to do their stuff early in the morning? I'm not judging but I'm a normal human too and sometimes I feel gross witnessing those scenes.

As expected, there are several couples doing the stuff I mentioned just now. Sighing heavily, I passed by them completely ignoring whatever they're doing but what I witness next is more horrifying. About three meters away, I could see a couple kissing aggressively beside my locker.

You got to be kidding me! I don't want to watch this scene early in the morning before my class starts! And that also in a close-up? No way!

I keep walking keeping my gaze down at the floor. Just when I was about to reach my locker, I shifted my gaze from the floor to the couple and my heart stops. The couple is none other than Shawn and a blond girl. They are kissing each other like a...beast?

Wow, he got rid of Stella already? It feels like it was just yesterday that I saw him proposing her.

If anyone thinks that I'm going to get hurt by watching this, they're very wrong because honestly, I'm only feeling nausea watching this scene. Yes, I did feel like my heart has been grabbed and squeezed for a moment but the feel vanishes when I remembered my dad's pieces of advice and also what he did to me yesterday.

Now, I could only feel my temper slowly filling the glass and how he even spoiled my mood now, destroying my plan to have a civil conversation with him regarding our assignment.

With a full of rage, I open my locker and slams it shut after gathering my books. That is when they stopped kissing and that girl is giving me a 'what is your problem' look while Shawn is being emotionless.

As usual, he doesn't give a damn about it. So, I don't bother about giving them an answer and walk away from that place, heading to my class.


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