ONE ━━ the 100

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The 100



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ELENA SINCLAIR woke up to the same bland scenery she had grown accustomed to over the course of her captivity. The steel room she had called her home ever since being captured along with Clarke for treason. She knew she couldn't be angry or hold anyone in contempt but herself as she was a willing participant. No one forced her to hack into the Ark. So she knew all of her feelings of anger and spite were futile since she was her own reason for being locked up. That didn't make her want dislike Clarke any less though, in fact her knowing how irrational it was to hold the blonde girl responsible made her even more angry at the situation she found herself in.

Her parents had desperately wanted to see her ever since she got arrested but she refused them access. She never wanted them to see her in her current state. Although Elena wasn't there when the Sinclair's were told that their only child had been arrested, she could almost picture the look of disappointment that would've been etched onto their faces. Her parents were also another cause for Elena's anger. She could just imagine them running off to work with their protégés everyday, despite their daughter being locked up. The very thought was enough to make the brunette resent her mother and father. She knew feeling like that was also irrational, considering the fact that she was the reason her parents couldn't see her.

How did she go from trying to make a technological and scientific breakthrough to sitting in a cell awaiting death?

Staring at the small markings on the wall opposite her we're a daily task. The day she was brought in here she wrote down the old mantra her dad repeated to her everyday:

'For my family and for my people.'

She had to remind herself that that's why she did what she did. That's why she was sitting in a cell. And that's why she hadn't seen her family or Wells in a year. Being alone all that time left her to just her thoughts, and everyone knew how dangerous that was. She could feel her old self slipping away into more and more hatred, but those seven words kept her grounded, they kept her from truly hating Clarke or her parents, they kept her sane.

"Prisoner 320" A voice declared, pulling Elena out of her thoughts, she looked up and saw two guards entering her cell.

'It's my time' She thought, 'I'm going to die and I can't even remember the last time I saw my parents or Wells.'

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