TWO ━━ earth skills

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CARTER usually had sense of pride whenever it came to the topic of his mother. He knew the hardships that came with leading people, especially given the circumstances of the current human race. He knew she was making the best of a bad situation and he knew that someone had to be making the decisions no one else wanted to make. Diana Sydney was good at that, compartmentalising. She knew it was hard for a good person to be a leader, she knew she'd always end up the villain in someone's story and she was fine with it. As long as the human race was thriving, she didn't care what people thought of her. Carter saw this in her and mirrored it, he didn't care if he was subjected to ridicule or torment, he pushed through it the way his mom did. The fact that he could always throw himself in his work helped too.

He felt content with the fact that the work he was doing was indirectly and directly saving lives on the Ark. Rachel Sinclair was the only biochemist on the Ark and so she took Carter under her wing when she learnt of his fascination with the field. Both of them were in charge of synthesising medicines, finding alternative methods for how to live healthily on the Ark etc. She was his role model when it came to it. The Sinclair woman was very kind and compassionate when it came to the lives of others, so much so that it was hard to believe she sat on the council. But what the Sydney boy really couldn't wrap his head around, was the fact that such a nice, caring and loving woman, gave birth to what he saw as a horrid, arrogant and selfish human being.

He could not stand Elena Sinclair for the life of him. Being in the same room with her was a task and talking to her was an even bigger one. In his mind, she always had to be right, she always had to one up him, she always had to prove that she was smarter and better. He hated it. He hated the way she could get under his skin with her comments and remarks, he hated the type of person she brought out in him. He never considered himself a competitive person, but dealing with Elena proved that he had the innate desire to win, come out on top. Elena Sinclair was a very difficult person to deal with, which is why Carter had to seek solace in Raven Reyes. To anyone else it would've seemed at though the two were ganging up on the Sinclair girl but to them, teaming up was a necessary evil. And he knew if anyone spent 10 minutes alone with Elena, they'd understand.

Carter's friendship with Raven was relatively normal. They'd talk almost everyday, tell each other almost everything and they both could count on one another to listen to the other's incessant ramblings, whether it be about work or about their bleak lives in space. One thing the two friends both agreed on when forming their friendship was that neither one was to be disturbed while they were working. That rule was non negotiable and they were adamant on keeping it. So imagine Carter's surprise when in the middle of working, he was interrupted by his friend's yelling.

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