Poll for an Imagine

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Ok so if you remember from the first Zodiacs I did, there was a chapter that said if the Zodiacs we're in a girl gang. ("Zodiacs 9 to be exact)

And so Gotham12345 said "You should make an Imagine of this" and so finally after re viewing my first book I decided I would. Sooo

So yeah I know it says "In a girl gang" but I wanted to know if some of you wanted a mix of genders?  I'll do a poll

A) Girl Gang (Girl Power✌️)


B) Mix of Genders

So if the mix of genders wins, I'll be doing a randomized pull so it will be fair, so you all don't think I'm picking Favorites.

I wanted it to be fair, so if your Zodiac sign isn't the gender you wanted please don't cry to me how it's always your sign that's a boy/girl, because it's not going to change anything, so just please don't whine, plus this is meant to be for fun. :)

So please know it is fair!

If you like any of the post I posted from either this book or the first book, and you want me to make it into an Imagine I sure can just request it! :)

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