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A R I E S • "Do you know who I am?"

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A R I E S • "Do you know who I am?"

T A U R U S  •  bribes the kidnapper and gets them to take them back home

G E M I N I • *is a serial killer and makes the kidnapper their victim*

C A N C E R • "lmao why do you wanna Kidnap me"

L E O • "you just kidnapped me because I'm pretty didn't you"

V I R G O • "I hope where you're taking me is clean"

L I B R A • *engages in heated diplomatic argument with the kidnapper*

S C O R P I O • "if you don't let me go right now, I will punch you in the balls"

S A G I T T A R I U S • *goes along with it and escapes when they aren't looking*

C A P R I C O R N • "this is not okay..."

A Q U A R I U S • "you insecure little...you are a low life

P I S C E S • *comes up with an elaborate plan including backup and grenades*



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