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ZODIACS... being kidnapped together !

Aries • "okay guys, we're 12, he's 1. We can take him"

Taurus • "everyone shut the fuck up and don't listen to Aries, the guy has a GUN"

Gemini • *ready to fight this guy with aries*

Cancer • *trying to keep calm but is choking out tiny sobs*

Leo • *is really angry because they can't do anything but they want to*

Virgo • *trying to think of a really good escape plan*

Libra • *talking to the kidnapper trying to convince him to let them go*

Scorpio • *is low-key calling 911 because they his their phone in their bra* { if you're a male Scorpio just ignore the bra part }

Sagittarius • "if I can kick the gun out of his hand, you can take him out"

Capricorn • *thinking about their family and starting to cry*

Aquarius • *Standing in front of Scorpio so they don't get caught

Pisces • Realizes how doomed everyone is

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