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Tagged by~ stone_517

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Tagged by~ stone_517

• One •
I'm not old enough to date lmao

• Two •

• Three •
Not really

• Four •

• Five •

• Six •
Lmaoo no

• Seven •
I've been awake for 24 hours?

• Eight •
Yes, very, idk y tho

• Nine •
Nothing really-

• Ten •
Nope I can hear a pen drop

• Eleven •
Never been in a relationship

• Twelve •

• Thirteen •
I'mma give my friend a break, so immq tag a few other people >:)
Fierceismymiddlename sorry~
helpful_loser89 sorry~
Violet20307 sorry~

Hahahahahahaha ;)
Turns out my friend wants to be tagged sHocKer
RandomGaynes heRe yOu gO

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