Imagine #1

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If the Zodiacs we're in a gang
Reminder: Please remember that I used a randomizer to figure out who's a boy and who's a girl, No whining please, and if your Zodiac is not the gender you wanted it to be, please know there are more chances for imagines for it to be the opposite! :)



"Guys! We have to be serious here! This random gang is threatening us and you guys are all goofing off!" Leo said as she slams her hands against the meeting table the 12 sat at.

"It's not my fault they stole my fry! I declare war! They mess with our food their gonna get a war" Aries said with a serious face, probably because she was serious.

Capricorn laughs and smirks at Aries "that's a stupid reason" she said still smirking.

Aries glared at Capricorn and said "It is not"

"Guys! Like Leo said we're supposed to be paying attention and not goofing around!' Taurus says as he sighs.

"No more goofing around, go train outside by running 2 laps around the court" Taurus said and Leo nods.

"What is this, gym class?" Pisces says as she and the rest file out of the room.

"Might as well be" Gemini says as he runs towards the track.

•~Time Skip~•

Leo glanced at the computer that Virgo is always on.

"I mean they need to pay attention more their not gonna get anything-" Taurus noticed Leo wasn't listening and was looking at the computer screen.


Leo looked terrified she quickly ran out of the room and towards the track -Taurus following her-

As she made it out by the track she saw her gang facing the new "threat" gang.

"You guys took my Fry's" Aries said as calm as she could which wasn't very calm.

One of the members from the other gang went to face Aries "Awe, is little Aries mad we took her fries?" the random guy said in a baby ish tone.

Aries glared at him and was probably gonna say some pretty colorful words before libra stepped in, "Guys! Let's not fight ok, let's just get back to running the tr-"

Leo was caught off by Scorpio stepping up she also looked a little angry -her not wanting anyone to know that gang actually stole from her and she didn't know it-

"I agree with Aries" Scorpio says as she pops her knuckles.

"We have machine guns" A random girl steps up smirking

"Oh yeah? Well guess what, we have a Pisces" Scorpio says smirking.

"Yeah! Wait-" Pisces said confused as ever, but she went with it.

The same girl snickered "What's she gonna do? Stab us?"

"tHatS exActLy whAt iM goNna dO" Pisces says pulling out an electric knife that sends out electric shocks when it touches a person, thanks to Virgo.

"Hey I made that!" Virgo said, him smiling proudly.

"Yeah, ok guys, Calm down we-" Libra said still trying to stop the fight but getting interrupted by Cancer.

"You guys want me to run them over? I'll run them over." He said giving them no time to answer.

"Woah woah woah! No one's running anyone over!" Leo said angrily.

"Awe man, I even stole a new Ferrari to drive!" Cancer said silently sulking.

Hey Guys! So a part 2 will come out around tomorrow or Wednesday, because I want to get some more regular updates out so I hope you enjoyed the first part of this! (I'm not the best writer :( I can rlly only write horror)

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